Cr1.6.179KD.6.176 He buffeted the breton about the chekes ,
C.6.177KD.6.176 He buffeted þe britoner a-boute þe chekes
G.7.179KD.6.176 he buvffeted the bretoner a-bowte botheG.7.179: Added bothe is in black ink. It is not impossible that it was written by the original scribe (for the form of the <h>, see, e.g., the
second <h> of trughthes (G.8.57 f.30v, l.7)). However, the form of this letter also resembles that used by WH (see, e.g., Byschoppes in the note in the right hand margin on f.103r) and since the script used for the addition is altogether more angular than that normally used by hand1, it seems probable
that it was in fact made by WH. See also G.7.183. the chekes