Readings for line KD.6.185

That hunger was nouȝt so hardy · on hem forto loke
That hungur was nouȝt so hardy . on hem for to loke
That Hunger was not so hardy , on hem for to loke ,
That hunger was noȝt so hardy . on hem for to loke
that hungor was nougth so hardy · on hem forto loke
Þat hunger was nouȝt so hardy on hem for to look
that hongre was not G.7.189: Added not appears to be in the hand of the original scribe. Compare, however, the additions at G.7.183 and G.7.179. hardyeG.7.189: Almost all C manuscripts and a high proportion of A manuscripts share the G R F reading hardye, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read so hardy. on theym for to loke
Þat hungur was not so hardy  on hem for to loke
Þat hunger was nouȝt hardyR.6.188: Although G agrees here with alpha, beta itself reads so hardy, a reading also attested by half of the A manuscripts (RaUHaJEWaMaH). On the other hand, Cx clearly agrees with alpha's reading (i.e., the omission of so).  on hem for to loke .
Þat hungir was notF.5.838: Alpha and G lack beta's so before hardy. hardy / on hem onys to looke.