Cr1.6.240KD.6.235 And Sapientie sayth the same , I sawe it in the byll
C.6.237KD.6.235 And sapience seiþ þe same · I se it in þe bibile
G.7.241KD.6.235 and sapyence sayethe the same G.7.241: There is a smudge on the final <e> of same and the letter may have been re-outlined. I sawe ytt In þe bybleG.7.241: The cross in the bottom right hand corner of the page is in modern pencil.
¶ And sapience seith þe same I seyȝR.6.239:
R uniquely omits a word in this phrase; beta reads seigh it in. Ax agrees with beta. in þe bible .