Cr1.6.292KD.6.286 And I haue perceley and porets , & many cole plantes ,
C.6.288KD.6.286 And I haue percelle and porettz · and many cale plantes
R.6.291KD.6.286 Ac I haue percyle and porett and many queynte herbes .R.6.291:R's queynte herbes is unique. Cf. F's propre
herbys and beta's kole plantes. Most A
witnesses agree with beta's reading (albeit non-alliterating), but Kane has changed his mind
since 1960 and in the revised Athlone edition of A opines that the
metrically appropriate reading of manuscripts AMaH (plante colis) is
likelier to be original (461).
F.5.941KD.6.286¶ But y have Persyȝle & porrettis / & fele propreF.5.941: F's propre before herbys is unique. R's erroneous queynte herbes may represent alpha, and F has revised to correct the alliteration. Beta witnesses also fail in alliteration, reading cole plauntys. herbys.