M.6.319KD.6.312A...?...?...nd but but he be hyliche yhyred . elles wil he chide
Cr1.6.318KD.6.312 But if he be hyghlye hyered , else wyll he chyde
W.6.319KD.6.312 And but if he be heiȝliche hyred . ellis wole he chide W.6.319:nota
C.6.307KD.6.312 And but he be heighliche hired elles wol he chide
G.7.319KD.6.312 and but yff he be hyghlyche hyred elles wole heG.7.319: The letter <h> of he may have been altered, though it is difficult to tell what the original might have been. Certainly the <e> of he appears to be a later addition: the form is that normally used by the scribe in rubricated Latin passages and it uses up
the space between words. chyde
O.6.319KD.6.312And but he be hyeO.6.319: OC2 alone have hye in place of heiȝliche. hyrid ellis wole he chyde