M.6.334KD.6.327Whanne ȝye se þe suonne amys . & ...?...?...two Monkes heddes
Cr1.6.333KD.6.327 And when ye se the sunne amisse , & two monkes heades
W.6.334KD.6.327 W.6.334: A scribe has drawn a rough pointing hand in the left margin. ¶ Whan ye se þe sonne amys . and two monkes heddes
C.6.321KD.6.327 Whanne ye se þe sonne amys · and two monkes hedes
G.7.334: A scribe has added a decorated cross in the margin. This corresponds to a similar cross in the table of contents (on f.102) and is one of a number of signs clearly intended to help the reader find particular items in the text. See Introduction