L.6.52KD.6.50 And þat þow be trewe of þi tonge · and tales þat þow hatie
M.6.52KD.6.50And þat þow be trwe of þ..y tonge and tales þat þow hate
Cr1.6.52KD.6.50 And þat thou be true of thy toung , & tales þat thou hate
W.6.52KD.6.50 And þat þow be trewe of þi tonge . and tales þat þow hatie W.6.52:nota
Hm.6.52KD.6.50 and that thu be trewe of thy tonge · and tales that thu hatye
C.6.51KD.6.50 And be trew of þyn tonge · ?and loke þow tales hatye
R.6.52KD.6.50 And þat þow be trewe of tongeR.6.52:
Beta reads of þi tonge. Most A
witnesses agree on this reading with beta, as does the X family of C
manuscripts. However, four A copies (TDH2V) agree
with alpha's omission of any determiner. Most of the P family in the C
tradition attest the presence of hys at this point. and
tales þat þow hatie .
F.5.704KD.6.50But loke þou be trewe of tungeF.5.704: Alpha lacks beta's þi before tunge. / & talis þat þou hate.