L.6.59KD.6.57 ¶ And I shal apparaille me quod Perkyn · in pilgrimes wise
M.6.59KD.6.57And I shal apparaille me quod PiersM.6.59: M shares the form Piers with F, for Perkyn in other B manuscripts. . in pilgrimes wise
Cr1.6.59KD.6.57 And I shal aparel me quod Parken in pilgrems wise
W.6.59KD.6.57 ¶ And I shal apparaille me quod Perkyn . in pilgrymes wise
Hm.6.59KD.6.57 ¶ And y schal apparayle me quod perkyn · yn pylgrymes wyse
C.6.58KD.6.57 I shal apperaille me quod perkyn in pilgrymes wise
G.7.59KD.6.57 and I shall apparell me quod perkyn In pylgrymes wyse
how peers gooþ
on pilgrimage . .O.6.60: The rubric is divided after gooþ, so that it appears on two lines. Two ticks in black, underlined in red, follow the rubric.
O.6.60KD.6.57 ¶ I schal apparayle me quod perkyn in pilgrimes wise
¶ And I schal apparaille me quod perkyn in
pilgrimes wise .
F.5.711KD.6.57/ [¶] & y shal a-parayle me quod Pers / in pylgrymes wyse.