Readings for line KD.6.86

piers testament
In dei nomine amen · I make it my-seluenL.6.89: A sixteenth-century scribe has written piers testament in the right margin. The end of testament has been cropped, perhaps removing -um.
the testament of Piers
In dei nomine amen . I make it my-seluene
How Pi
erce ma
keth hys
testament .
IN DEI NOMINE amen I make it mi-selfe .
In dei nomine amen . I make it my-selue
In dei nomine amen · y make it my-sylue
In dei nomine amen I make it my-selue
In died[e]i nomine amen I make ytt my-seluven
petri .
PlowmanO.6.90: The rubric is divided after Testamentum, so that it appears as two lines.
In dei nomine amen  I make it my-selue
In dei nomine amen  I make it my-selue  he schal haue my soule .R.6.89: Here alpha differs from beta by merging the opening phrase from the archetype's next line (= He shal haue my soule ) with this one, and then truncating the third line by deleting its final phrase (= for so I bileue), so that the three lines in Langland's presumptive original are reduced to two non-alliterating ones.
In dei nomine amen / god shal have myn soule. Alpha two lines here appear in beta witnesses as three. Beta reads as follows:
In dei nomine amen I make it myselue
He shal haue my soule þat best haþ deserued
And fro þe fend it defende for so I bileue.