Cr1.6.101KD.6.98 For though I dye to-day my dettes are quyte
C.6.99KD.6.98 For þouȝ I dye to-day · my dettes er quitte
R.6.100KD.6.98 For þouȝ I deyedeR.6.100:
Beta's form agrees with the reading of both Ax and Cx. to-day my dette
is Iquited .R.6.100: R's singular is unique; F shows a plural, dettys ben alle
qwitte, and beta attests a slightly different plural phrasing, dettes ar
quitte. The A tradition clearly supports the F/beta plural format
here, but the C tradition is divided, much of the P family concurring
with F/beta while the X family (and a few P copies) support R's singular.
F.5.751KD.6.98For truly þey dyȝede[y] dyȝede to-day / myn dettys ben alle qwitte.