Cr1.8.99KD.8.100 And Dowel & dobet amoungest hem haue ordained
C.8.97KD.8.100 And dowel and dobet · amonges hem ordeygned
G.9.99KD.8.100& dowell & dobetter amonge G.9.99: Kane and Donaldson apparently interpret the final backward curve on the <g> of "among" as an abbreviation for <es>
(unless they do not consider the form amonge to be a variant). However, G would normally have a loop for such an abbreviation, and it seems more likely that the final
letter should be read as a residual <e>. Compare the form of "among" at G.12.51. þem ordeynyd
O.8.97KD.8.100And do-wel & do-bette amongys hem ordeynedenO.8.97: O alone has ordeyneden; variants include han ordeyned (WHmCr), ordeyned (YGC2CLMR), and ordeyneþ (B).
R.8.95KD.8.100 ¶ And dowel and do-bett amogesamo[n]ges hem ordeyned .
[Not found.]