Cr1.8.109KD.8.112-113 And yet fauoreth[s]auoreth me not thy saying , I coueit to lerne
C.8.107KD.8.112-113 And yet sauoures me nouȝt thy sayeng · I couette to lerne
Beta reads Ac ȝete sauoureth. F rephrases the
entire line but includes ȝyt in its a-verse. Although various beta
copies substitute other variants for ȝete, only R completely omits a
word here. sauoureth me nauȝt þi seggyng I coueit to lerne .
F.6.105KD.8.112& seyde / me savoureþ not ȝyt wel / so me crist helpe. This b-verse and the following a-verse, found in Ax and Cx, are not attested in other B manuscripts.