Cr1.8.36KD.8.35 The wind would with the water the boote ouerthrow
W.8.36KD.8.35 The wynd wolde wiþ þe water . þe boot ouer-þrowe W.8.36:nota
C.8.36KD.8.35 The wynde wolde with þe water · þe bote ouer-throwe
G.9.36KD.8.35 the wynd wolde wyth þe water þe bootteG.9.36: For the alteration of boote to bootte, see note to G.9.30. ouerthrowe
R.8.32KD.8.35 Þe wynd wald andR.8.32:
Cf. F's on and beta's wyth. Ax
agrees with beta. þe water þe bot ouer-throwe .