Cr1.8.59KD.8.59 I bikenne the Christ , that on the crosse dyed .
Hm.8.58KD.8.59 y bekenne the cryst quod þat on · þat on the cros deyed
C.8.59KD.8.59 I bikenne þe crist · þat on þe cros dyed
R.8.55KD.8.59 ¶ I be-kenne þe crist
quod þeiR.8.55:
R's quod þei is unique and presumably erroneous; W and F both read quod he, Hm simply has quod, and most B witnesses agree with Ax in omitting the entire phrase. Cx, however, agrees with the F/W reading. þat on þe croyce
deyede .
F.6.55KD.8.59¶ I be-kenne þe Cryst quod he / þat on þe croys dyȝede.