Readings for line KD.8.64

Blisse of þoL.8.64: LHmR alone read þo; other B manuscripts have þe. briddes · brouȝte me aslepe
Blisse of þe briddus  brouȝte me a-slepe
Blisse of the birdes brought me on slepe ,
Blisse of þe briddes . brouȝte me aslepe           W.8.64:nota
blysse of tho bryddes · brougth me a-slepe
Blisse of þe briddes · brouȝte me a slepe
blysse off þe bryddes broght me a-slepe
Blis of þe bryddis  brouȝte me a-slepe
Blisse of þoR.8.60: R's þo is supported by Hm and L, but F and most beta copies agree on þe. The A version has an identical a-verse (attesting the same variant as F and the beta majority), but of more consequence is the agreement of Cx with F since the C version witnesses the same complete line. briddes  abyde me made .R.8.60: In place of alpha's abyde me made, beta's b-verse reads brouȝte me aslepe. At first glance, this phrasal difference appears to be one of the many simple instances where beta agrees with Ax against a reading shared by alpha and Cx, both readings being viable. In reality, what seems to have occurred is somewhat less common: the copy of A that Langland was using as the basis of the B revision contained a reversed half-line (made me abide A9.55b) and an ensuing dittography (Blisse of þe briddis A9.58a). In fact, both errors, unrelated to each other, were the fault of the archetypal A scribe — or of the author. Having noticed them while composing B, Langland presumably marked the A9.55b phrase for reversal and then created a correction for the dittography of A9.58a (in the form of a marginal or interlinear): he varied this second occurrence of the repeated phrase to Murþe of hire mouþes and then had to revise the b-verse of the same line (perhaps in the opposite margin) to fit the new alliterative pattern, so we get made me þer to slepe instead of the A-version's brouȝte me a slepe.Confronted with Bx's devotedly passive reproduction of this patchwork revision, the beta scribe seems to have garbled matters in his own unique way, assuming that he was to replace the b-verse of 55 — as it appeared in the underlying A-version text — with the unrevised A-version b-verse of 58, when all that was asked of him was to flip the staves of extant 55b and heed all of the marginal information at line 58. What beta has created, then, is not likely to reflect any authorial state of the text.
Þanne blysse of þe bryddis / a-byȝde me made.F.6.60: Beta attests a different b-verse for this line: "brouȝte me aslepe." Alpha's reading corresponds to Cx.