M.9.110KD.9.105c Wolde neuere þe fait.hful fadur his fithel were vtempredev[n]temprede
Cr1.9.110KD.9.105 Would neuer þe faithful father his fidle were vntemperd
Hm.9.111KD.9.105 wolde neuere þe feythfull fader · .hysys f......ythele were vntempryd ·
[Not found.]
R.9.111KD.9.105 Wold neuere þe faithful fader his fithel
vntymbred .R.9.111: For R's unique form, vntymbred, Bx
reads vntempred. There is no semantic difference in R's form, merely a
changed spelling produced by the voicing of an unvoiced consonant in the middle of a voiced
consonant cluster.
F.6.235KD.9.105Wolde neuere þe feyþful fader / his fythele were vn-tempryd.