Cr1.9.131KD.9.125α Concepit in dolore et peperit iniquitatem .
C.9.126KD.9.125α Concepit in dolore & peperit iniquitatem &cetera.
O.9.130KD.9.125αConcepit in dolore & peperit iniquitatem & ceteraO.9.130: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after dolore, so that it appears as two lines.
Concepit doloremR.9.129: R's dolorem is the alpha variant—to
which Hm has been "corrected" by a second hand (the other beta manuscripts read in dolore). This variation ultimately reflects a discrepancy in the
textual tradition of the Vulgate itself, but the predominant reading among A copies of Piers Plowman is the same as alpha's, while the
overwhelming preference among C manuscripts is for the beta
reading. et peperit iniquitatem .