M.9.145KD.9.138Til fourty daies be fulfulde andM.9.145: M's reading of and is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read þat. flode haue y-wasshen
Cr1.9.145KD.9.138 Tyll forty daies be fulfiled , that floude haue washed
C.9.139KD.9.138 Til fourty dayes be fulfilled · þat flode haue ywasshen
G.10.144KD.9.138 tyll fortye G.10.144: The <y> of fortye has been re-outlined in black ink. dayes be fuvllfylled þat floode hauve y-wasshen
R.9.143KD.9.138 Til fourty dayes ben fulfilled þat floed haue Iwasted .R.9.143: For alpha's Iwasted, beta reads ywasshen. Both Ax and Cx confirm the
correctness of the beta reading.
F.6.267KD.9.138Tyl fourty dayes ben fulfild / & þe flood haþ y-wastyd.F.6.267: y-wastyd is alpha's reading. Beta witnesses read ywasshen.