Cr1.9.152KD.9.145 That in thy shyngled shyppe shall be saued ,
C.9.146KD.9.145 Þat in thy shyngled schippe · shul ben ysaued
G.10.151KD.9.145 þat In þi syngledG.10.150: Given the occasional use of forms with <s> for <sh> in G (see Introduction III.4.1), it seems unlikely that syngled (for remaining manuscripts shyngled) is a lexical variant . shyppe shall beene y-sauved
R.9.150KD.9.145 Þat in þisR.9.150:
Beta reads þi . . . shippe; F omits the entire line. Ax reads þe . . . ship, but Cx agrees with
beta. schingeled schippe schal ben I-saued .
[Not found.]