Cr1.9.23KD.9.23 These fyue ben set to saue thys ladie Anima
W.9.23KD.9.23 Thise fyue ben set . to kepeW.9.23: W alone reads kepe; other B manuscripts have saue. þis lady anima
C.9.23KD.9.23 this fyue be sette to saue this lady · Anima
G.10.23KD.9.23 thes fyuve be sett to sauve þis ladye aG.10.23: The deletion of <a> results from a failure to recognise the need for a change of ink.anima
R.9.23KD.9.23 Þise fyue ben sette to saue þisR.9.23:
Beta reads the phrase as þis lady
anima .
F.6.147KD.9.23Þese sixeF.6.147: Though the archetypal reading was fyue, F has almost certainly supplied the correct reading. ben set / to save sown þys Anima.F.6.147: Alpha's omission of beta's lady is matched by the C reading.