L.9.81KD.9.79 Shal haue penaunce in purgatorie · but ȝif þei hem helpe
M.9.81KD.9.79Shal haue penaunce in purgatorie but ȝif þei hem helpe
Cr1.9.81KD.9.79 Shal haue penaunce in purgatorie but they hem help
W.9.81KD.9.79 Shul haue penaunce in purgatorie . but þei hem helpe
Hm.9.82KD.9.79 schull haue penaunce yn purgatory · but ȝif they hem helpe ·
C.9.79KD.9.79 Shul haue penaunce in purgatorie but if þey hem helpe
G.10.81KD.9.79 shall hauve pennvancepen[n]ance In puvrgatorye but þei þem helpe
O.9.81KD.9.79Schul haue penaunce in purgatorie but if þei hem helpe
R.9.81KD.9.79 Schal haue penaunce in purgatorieR.9.81: This
word is partially erased, and the erasure is very old though presumably not contemporary.
Despite the attempted erasure, the word remains entirely readable. but
ȝif þei hem helpe .
F.6.206KD.9.79Þey shulle haue penaunce in purgatorye / but if þey hem helpe.