L.9.102KD.9.97 ¶ Þat dredeth god he doth wel · þat dredeth hym for loue
# Tertia discripcio de dowell
Cr1.9.101KD.9.97 That dredeth god he doth wel þat dredeth him for loue
W.9.101KD.9.97 ¶ That dredeþ god he dooþ wel . þat dredeþ hym for loue W.9.101:nota
Hm.9.102KD.9.97 ¶ That dredeþ god he doth well · þat dredeth hym for loue ·
C.9.99KD.9.97-98 ¶ Dred god for loue & þou doste wel · but nouȝt for vengeaunce and þou dost bet
G.10.101KD.9.97-98 G.10.101: G shares the reading of this line with remaining β4 manuscripts (except that all these apart from G read & þou doste wel for G doest well). The remaining B manuscripts have a two-line version.drede god for louve doest well / but not for venIange & þou doest better
R.9.102KD.9.97 ¶ Þat drad god he doth wel þat dradR.9.102:
In both instances in this line where R reads drad, Bx
has dredeth. hym for loue .
F.6.226KD.9.97For he þat drediþ god doþ wel / he drediþ god his makere.F.6.226: At least partly because of error in alpha, F confuses the sense of this line and the following. Bx reads as follows:
That dredeþ god he dooþ wel þat dredeþ hym for loue
And drad hym noȝt for drede of vengeaunce dooþ þerfore þe bettre."