fol. 36r (cont.)I
...?...M.8.0: Something, no longer legible, is erased in the right margin.
Passus octauus de visione . et incipit inquisicio prima de dowellM.8.0: The <ll> is touched up in a brown ink which differs from the surrounding text.
And what man he miȝte be of many folkM.8.5: M's folk is not attested in other B manuscripts, which read man or men. I ax...ede
# the questioun askyn of Freris of dowell
Where þis leede leongudM.8.7: M's revised reading longud is found in many C manuscripts, but B manuscripts have lenged. . lasse ne more
Lat bringe a man in a bote amidde þe brodurM.8.30: M's brodur is not attested in other B manuscripts, most of which read brode. watur
Þe goodus arne —M.8.40: M's original reading arne was unattested in other B manuscripts. of þis grounde arn like to þe grete wawes
Þat as wyndus and wedres walweþM.8.41: M's reading walweþ is shared with L and with some A and C manuscripts. Other B manuscripts read walkeþ. Compare a similar variant at M.9.56. aboute .
Þat þourȝ þe flessh and þe feendeM.8.43: M's reading of flessh and þe feend is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read feend and þe flessh. and þe frele worlde
tymes sithesM.8.44: The deleted text is legible under ultraviolet light.
Synneth þe sad man a day seuen timessithesM.8.44: M's original reading times placed it in agreement with HmCrG. In M, sithes is written over the erased times, although for some reason both tymes and sithes are erased in the margin.
Ac dedly synne doþ he nouȝte for dowel him h.lp...keputhM.8.45: The erased reading appears to be helpeth which is the reading of F and of versions A and C. .
# quod Caritas maxime adiuuat contra peccatum
And þouȝ—gh þi body bowe . as aM.8.48: M's inserted a is unattested in other B manuscripts. boote doth in þe watur
And þat is wi..t aM.8.53: As in L, a is to be understood as "and," the reading of other B manuscripts. frewillefre wille to euery wiȝte a porcioun
And þus I wente wyde-where walkynge biM.8.62: The addition of bi brings M into agreement with BF. myn one .
fol. 37rI
passus viijus
Murthe of here mouthes made me a-slepeM.8.67: M's reading a-slepe is shared with F; other B manuscripts read þer to slepe.
# quomodo thought primo apparuit in sompno
A ... — muche man asM.8.70: M's original reading without as is not found in other B manuscripts but is shared with A and some C manuscripts. me þouȝte and lik. vn-to my-seluen .
What artow quod I þo þatM.8.72: M alone among B manuscripts omits þou at this point, but it is the reading of A and most C manuscripts. Most B manuscripts read þat þou; Cr reads thou þat. myn name knowest
...?...# prima discripcio de dowell
Aren þre faire vertues and beth nouȝte fer to feccheM.8.79: M's reading of fecche is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read fynde.
And þus with mamon...?...aes moneie he makeþM.8.89: M alone among B manuscripts has the present tense. Other B manuscripts attest the present perfect or past perfect. him freendus
# quomodo will & thought primo obuiauerunt cum witt