Cr1.1.27KD.1.27 For Lothe in his lyue-dayes for lykynge of dryncke
W.1.27KD.1.27 ¶ For LothW.1.27: One character, probably <h>, was erased after Lot. in hise lifdayes . for likynge of drynke
C.1.27KD.1.27 ¶ For Loth in his lif-dayes · for likyng of drynke
G.2.27KD.1.27 for lottG.2.27: Two dots (like a colon) follow the word lott, one above and one below the cross bar of the <t>. The presence of marginal lott suggests that they may be there for emphasis. Since they are in brown ink, they have probably been added by the scribe when
he was engaged in his later spelling corrections (hand1.1). In hys lyuve days for lykyng off drynke
For loth in his lif-dayes for
lykyng of drinke .
F.2.27KD.1.27For looth in hise lif dayes / þorghȝ lykynge of drynke.