L.1.4KD.1.4 Come down fram a castel · andL.1.4: The corrector marked an for correction with a <+> in the right margin. It has been partially erased. called me faire
M.1.4KD.1.4Come doun from a castel and called me faire
Cr1.1.4KD.1.4 Came downe from a castel & called me faire
W.1.4KD.1.4 Cam doun from a Castel . and called me faire
Hm.1.4KD.1.4 cam doun fro a castel and full callede me full fayre
C.1.4KD.1.4 Come doun from a castel · and called me faire
G.2.4KD.1.4 came downe from a castell & called me fayre
O.1.4KD.1.4Come doun from a castel & callede me fayre
Com doun from a castel and cald
me fayre .