Readings for line KD.1.85

Whan alle tresores aren tried quod she · trewthe is þe best
# truth is the best
Whanne alle tresores ben tried quod she  truþe is þe beste /
Whan al treasures are tried , quod she , truth is best
Whan alle tresors arn tried quod she . treuþe is þe besteW.1.86: The words a feyrse are written in the right margin in a more cursive hand. Cf. WP.195 and W1.38.
whan all tresourys arn tried quod sche · Trewthe ys the beste
Whan alle tresoures aren tried · treuthe is the beste
when allG.2.86: The addition of all brings G's reading into line with that of the remaining B manuscripts. treysuors are tryedG.2.86: The G C reading tryed (for most B manuscripts tried quod she), which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson, is also that of the majority of A and C manuscripts. It should be noted, however, that it is not unusual for G to lose "quod" clauses (see readings at G.6.240, G.6.261, G.6.490 etc.). truvght ys the best
Whanne alle tresores been I-tryedO.1.85: OC2 alone have I-tryed; most B manuscripts have tried quod she.  truþe is þe best
Whanne alle tresores aren tryed quod heR.1.86: He, "she."  trewthe is þe beste .
Whan alle tresor ys tryed . quod she  trewþe is þe beste.