Cr1.13.109KD.13.103 What is dowel sir doctor quod I , is dowel any penaunce
W.13.109KD.13.103 ¶ What is dowel sire doctour quod I . is itW.13.109: W alone reads it; RF read dobest; other manuscripts have dowel. any penaunce
C.13.110KD.13.103 What his dowel sire doctour quod I is do-wel any penaunce
R.13.105KD.13.103 ¶ What is dowel sir doctour quod I is
do-bestR.13.105: In place of alpha's dobest, beta reads dowel. Once more, N is unique among the C copies, mirroring its
beta collational source (= dowel), while several C
manuscripts read dobet; nevertheless, Cx clearly
agrees with alpha. any penaunce .
F.10.103KD.13.103/ [¶] What ys Dowel sire . quod y & is DobestF.10.103: Alpha is responsible for Dobest. Beta manuscripts have Dowel. ony penaunce.