fol. 50r (cont.)I
A-WakeF.10.1: The ornamental capital is red and green with red and green flourishes extending the height of the page in the left margin. y gan þer-with / witles neer honde.
Þoruhȝ vnkonynge kuratouris / to vn-kurable peynes.F.10.13: Alpha omits the following seven lines:
And how þat Ymaginatif in dremels me tolde
Of kynde and of his konnynge and how curteis he is to bestes
And how louynge he is to bestes on londe and on watre
Leneþ he no lif lasse ne moore
The creatures þat crepen of kynde ben engendred
And siþen how ymaginatif seide vix saluabitur
And whan he hadde seid so how sodeynliche he passed.
And how þat Ymaginatif in dremels me tolde
Of kynde and of his konnynge and how curteis he is to bestes
And how louynge he is to bestes on londe and on watre
Leneþ he no lif lasse ne moore
The creatures þat crepen of kynde ben engendred
And siþen how ymaginatif seide vix saluabitur
And whan he hadde seid so how sodeynliche he passed.
& lowe doun y lowtede / & lovely dyde hym honoure.F.10.19: F's reading is unique. The b-verse in Bx reads "and loueliche to scripture."
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¶ Þan Concyense callydF.10.24: The scribe corrected an original <u> to <y>. hym in / & curteyȝsly he seyȝde.
Pacyence & y weryn seet / to ben mettys.F.10.28: Alpha reads mettys. Beta manuscripts have macches.
& shulle sobbe for þe sowlys / manye salte teerys.F.10.39: Alpha reads "(with) manye salte teerys." Beta manuscripts have "and wepe salte teris."
Vos qui peccata hominum comeditis . nisi pro eis lacrimas & oraciones effunderitis ea que in delicijs comedistiscomeditis in tormentisF.10.40: The scribe originally wrote tormenmentis with a line break following initial tormen and with the following men subpuncted in red. evometis.
As longe as lyf quod heF.10.45: Alpha, OC2, and C read he. Beta manuscripts have I. / & lykam may dure.
& beatus vir cui non imputauit / in a plater a looF.10.49: The reading appears only in F. Bx reads "dissh of." Possibly luce, lus, "pike" lies behind loo.
Pro hac orabatF.10.53: Alpha and the majority of C manuscripts omit beta's ad te. omnis sanctis in tempore oportuno.
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& maade merthe with his mowhtF.10.57: F's reading is unique, perhaps in response to corruption in alpha. R has mene. Beta and C read mete. / but y moornede euere.
Prechede In fame & frigore & flappis of skorges.F.10.64: F makes one line of two. Bx reads as follows:
Preched of penaunces þat Poul þe Apostle suffrede
In fame & frigore and flappes of scourges.
Preched of penaunces þat Poul þe Apostle suffrede
In fame & frigore and flappes of scourges.
ButF.10.76: Alpha is responsible for But (R has Ac), which is omitted in beta. þey prechen þat penaunce / ys profytable to sowle.
Þat he precheþ þus & preveþ ytF.10.80: F's reading is unique. Beta reads "That he precheþ he preueþ noȝt to Pacience I tolde." R has "Þat he precheth and preueth
to pacience I tolde." / to Pacyence priuyly y tolde.
Þat dysshes & dubbleres / on dees be-fore þe doctour.F.10.82: F's b-verse is unique. Beta reads "bifore þis ilke doctour." R has "byfor þis doctor."
To telle me what penaunce ys / of wyche he prechiþ euere.F.10.85: F's euere is unique. R has nonsensical þere aþ, and beta reads raþer.
¶ Pacyense parseyveparseyve[d] what y seide / & bad holde me stylleF.10.86: F's b-verse is unique, though derived from alpha. Beta reads "and wynked on me to be stille." R has "and bad me be stille."
HeF.10.88: The red touch on the <H> is very faint. shal have penaunce in his paunche / & puffe at euery speche
& preue it inF.10.91: An otiose curl appears on the <n>. þe a-pokelyps / & in þe passioun of seynt savoures[Auereys].F.10.91: This curious name probably reflects scribal misunderstanding of <S> appearing before auereys as an abbreviation for "saint." It would be entirely characteristic of F to have supplied seynt where he believed it was missing.
Þat neyþir bakoun ne brawn / neF.10.92: Alpha is responsible for ne which does not appear in beta. blamegeris / ne Mortreus.
Is neyþir fyshȝ ne fleshȝ / but foode for penauntys.F.10.93: Alpha is responsible for penauntys. Beta manuscripts have singular a penaunt.
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/ [¶] What ys Dowel sire . quod y & is DobestF.10.103: Alpha is responsible for Dobest. Beta manuscripts have Dowel. ony penaunce.
¶ Do-wel is quod þe Doctour / & dronk a-non þere-after.F.10.104: F's b-verse is unique. Beta reads "and took þe cuppe and drank." R is defective, reading "and dronk after."
But Cheeste with Charyte be / y chylle on ȝow pleyne.F.10.110: F has revised the line, especially the b-verse. Bx reads "But cheeste be þer charite sholde be and younge children dorste pleyne." R divides the line into two defective lines,
But cheste be þere charite schulde be
And ȝonge children durst pleyne.
F's revision is striking, since ych is the form of neither the immediate scribe nor the revisor we think responsible for the more substantial revisions in the text. Obviously the form is motivated by the demands of alliteration, and it is perhaps not remarkable that an East Anglian scribe should have known and used the doublet form.
But cheste be þere charite schulde be
And ȝonge children durst pleyne.
F's revision is striking, since ych is the form of neither the immediate scribe nor the revisor we think responsible for the more substantial revisions in the text. Obviously the form is motivated by the demands of alliteration, and it is perhaps not remarkable that an East Anglian scribe should have known and used the doublet form.
I wil permyteF.10.111: Most other B witnesses read permute "exchange." F's permyte is a spelling variant and not an error. myn penaunce with ȝoure / for y amam [in] poynt to spille[dowel].
¶ Þanne Conscyence fulF.10.112: Alpha and C have ful. Beta manuscripts omit it. curteysly / a contynaunce he made.
F.10.115: An ordinary abbreviation for nota was written by a later hand in the left margin. In what appears to be the same ink, the symbol for a musical note also appears
just below the abbreviation, a fairly common visual pun in late medieval manuscripts. What is Dowel & Dobet / ȝee dyvynoures knowe.
I wolde see þo sevene sones / & ȝoure-selue a-corde.F.10.123: F's reading is unique. Bx reads "Til I se þo seuene and myself acorden."
/ [¶] I am vnhardy quod he þan / to ony wyght preveF.10.124: Alpha lacks beta's to before preve. it.
For pers plowhman a-pertly / haþ repugnedF.10.125: F alone reads repugned in place of Bx's impugned. The words overlap in their semantic range (see MED, s.v. repugned v. [2], citing the C substitution in at least one manuscript of repugnen for impugnen at C.Prol.136). The same pattern of variation occurs in F8.310. vus alle.
fol. 52rI
¶ I can not heere on / quod Conscyense / & ȝit y knowe wel PerkynF.10.132: F's revision here of Bx's Piers to Perkyn is surprising since all other Bx references to Perkyn, save one, have been revised in F to Piers.
Þere ben no Clerkis koneF.10.136: Alpha and OC2 omit beta's ne before kone. so meche / as crist beriþ witnesse. The silverpoint line indicators for this leaf are unusually dark, but they are not intended for emphasis.
& so to leerne to lowe theF.10.145: Bx reads "And so þow lere þe to louye . . . ." / for þe Lordis love of hevene.
For he þat loveþ the leelly / lytyl of þyn he dysyreþ.F.10.152: Alpha is responsible for dysyreþ. Beta manuscripts and C have coueiteþ.
Vndo it &F.10.160: Alpha is responsible for &, which is omitted in beta. lete þe Doctour seF.10.160: Alpha is responsible for se. F alone adds it. Beta manuscripts have deme. L had sen, but corrected it to deme. it / wherF.10.160: Alpha is responsible for wher. Beta manuscripts have if. dowel be þer-Inne.
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Nowht þoruh no ryche craft / but þoruh wit of hem-selue.F.10.172: F omits the following line attested only in R: "Do kyng and quene and alle þe comune after."
To ȝeve þe al þat þey may ȝeve / as þou for beest ȝeemere.F.10.173: F omits the following line attested only in R: "And as þou demest wil þei do alle here dayes after."
/ [¶]F.10.175: The scribe in rubricating the leaf noted that he had not marked for the paraph and made the correction in red ink. It ys but a dydo quod þe Doctour / & a dysoures tale.
For alle wyttys of þis world / ne waytyng of mannys strengþe.F.10.176: The b-verse in Bx reads "and wiȝt mennes strengþe."
F.10.182: A clumsily drawn pointing hand is supplied in the left margin by a later reader. ¶ Þan Conscyense carpede lowhde / & curteysly seyde.
& leerne ȝow if ȝee lykynF.10.189: Alpha is responsible for the personal form of the verb. Beta manuscripts have the impersonal construction "yow like." / þe leeste lyȝne to knowe.
¶ Þus curteysly Concyense / concludide þe Mayster.F.10.201: F alone has this b-verse. Other B manuscripts read "congeyed first þe frere."
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¶ & as þey wentyn be þe wey / & of Dowel carpeden.F.10.223: Beta manuscripts have "of Dowel þei carped."
Þey mettyn with a Menstral / a mychil man hem þowhte.F.10.224: F's b-verse is unique. Bx reads "as me þo þouȝte."
I am a waferer / wil ȝee wete / & worshepeF.10.229: F alone has an alliterating stave in the b-verse. Bx reads serve. The scribe initially wrote worchepe and corrected <c> to <s> by overwriting. manye lordis.
Cowhde y lyȝe / &F.10.231: Alpha reads &. Beta manuscripts have to. doon men lawhe / þan lacche sum y wolde.
Ne Iapen ne IanglynF.10.235: Alpha is responsible for Ianglyn. Beta witnesses have Iogele. C witnesses are divided between these variants as well. / ne Ientilly pype.
Fram Myhelmesse tyl Myhelmesse / þo men trauaile sore.F.10.244: F's b-verse is unique in the B tradition. Bx reads as follows: "I fynde hem wiþ wafres."
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ÞatF.10.253: Beta manuscripts have And before Þat. his blessynge & his bulle / bocchis myghte distroyen.
/ [¶] Þanne wolde y pre[be] pre[st]F.10.256: Kane and Donaldson read "prs," which is also possible. to þe peple / paast for to make.
For sytthe þe Pope haþ power / as seyntseynt [Peter] hadde.F.10.260: A scribe unintentionally omitted Peter, but the line had already been substantially revised. Bx reads "For siþ he haþ þe power þat Peter hymself hadde."
To have noF.10.265: Alpha is responsible for no. C and beta manuscripts have þe. grace of god / to gete gryþ of þe pope.
Ne no myscheef make peesF.10.267: F's a-verse is unique. Bx has "Ne mannes masse make pees." / a-mong cristene peple.
Tyl priȝde be priuylyF.10.268: Alpha is responsible for priuyly. Beta manuscripts read pureliche. Note alpha's similar substitution at 12.55. for-do þorhu paynes defawhte.
A thowsande & þre hundred ȝeer / & two & XXty & ten.F.10.279: F's reading is unique. The b-verse in Bx reads "twies þritty and ten," though only LR retain that reading and most beta witnesses have twenty in place of thirty.
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But yt was moolyd in manye placis / fele sundry spottys.F.10.284: F's b-verse is unique, destroying the alliterative pattern. Other B manuscripts have "wiþ manye sondry plottes."
Of priȝde was þere a spoot / & of vn-buxum speche.F.10.285: F's reading is unique. Bx reads "Of pride here a plot and þere a plot of vnbuxom speche."
Oþir-wise þan he haþ herd / seyd merveyles.F.10.288: F is confused. Bx reads "Ooþerwise þan he haþ wiþ herte or siȝte shewynge."
Hym wenyngeF.10.289: F uniquely reads wenynge. Bx has Willyng. þat alle men / wende he were most myghty.
& looþF.10.291: F uniquely reads looþ. Bx reads inobedient. to been vndir-nome / of ony lyf lyvynge.
Þat þere is non swich as he ys / ne non so poppe-holy.F.10.293: This spelling is unusual and appears only, at least so far as MED citations suggest, in manuscripts of Piers Plowman. Kane and Donaldson list parallel spellings for poppe-holy in OCotBmBoYC2C as well. MED offers no spellings with doubled consonants under pope. WHmL read pomp holy.
For he is en-habyȝtidhabyȝtid lyȝk an hermyteF.10.294: Bx is more laconic, reading "Yhabited as an heremyte." / & ordred[an] ordre be hymselue.
& lowlyestF.10.304: The scribe occasionally writes <w> for /v/, and that is perhaps what is intended here. In that case, no emendation is required. to loken on / & leellest of werkys.
Or looþ for to leene / & large for to cacche.F.10.308: The reading is unique to F. Beta family manuscripts lack the line, and R reads "And large to lene losse þere-by to cacche."
& if he ȝeve to poore men / to telle what he delte.F.10.309: F omits the following line from Bx: "Pouere of possession in purs and in cofre."
& boldest of beggerys / boostynge at þe nale.F.10.311: F's b-verse is unique. Bx reads "a bostere þat noȝt haþ."
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With lyenge / & lakkyngeF.10.333: Lakkynge is from alpha. Beta witnesses attest erroneous laughynge. / & with a leef tunge to chyde.
As dooþ a shepperis shere / so shrewidly y grynte.F.10.341: F's b-verse is unique. Bx reads "I shrewed men & cursed."
Cuius malediccione os plenum est & amaritudine & dolo sub lingua eius labor & dolor.F.10.342: Alpha omits a second verse from Ps. 56.5, "Et alibi Filij hominum dentes eorum arma & sagitte et lingua eorum gladius acutus." The first Latin quotation is from Ps. 9.28.
But þoru a charm / he hadde chaunce / & his cheef heele. F in this passage, sometimes influenced by alpha, changes the person of pronouns. In 10.353, his appears in place of Bx's first person. In 10.354, F uniquely adds on hym after wislykore and has he for beta's it and R's I, while in 10.355, alpha has myn in place of beta's his. In 10.356 and 10.357, F has first person for Bx's he.
MowþF.10.358: The word is badly rubbed and barely legible. with mowþ / or be-nethe / priuyly gan hire grope.F.10.358: F has revised the line, perhaps motivated by erosion of b-verse bigynneþ to apheretic gynneþ (as happened in Y) and subsequent confusion about the alliterative pattern. Bx reads "Aboute þe mouþ or byneþe bigynneþ to grope."
As leef in lentoun as owte / & alle tymes y-lyke.F.10.361: F has revised the line, perhaps in response to what he perceived to be corruption in Bx. Beta manuscripts read: "And as wel in lente as out of lente alle tymes yliche." Alpha has lef in place of beta's wel.
Swiche werkys with me & hemF.10.362: F's unique reading curiously anticipates the C revision of this passage in moving it from Haukyn's confession to the confession of the deadly sins in the Visio. Bx reads "Swiche werkes with hem . . . ." Cx reads "Such werkes with vs . . . ." / were neuere out of sesoun.
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& ofF.10.365: Alpha reads of. Beta manuscripts have of hir. harlotrie & of hordom / in eelde þey have burde.
& þe werste with-Inne was / a greet wit heF.10.374: F alone reads he. All other B witnesses change from third person reported speech to the first person at this point. held it.
& if myn Neyhebore have anF.10.375: Alpha reads an. Beta manuscripts have any. hyȝne / or ony beeste ellis.
& but y gete yt be ony way / y geete it be stelthe.F.10.378: F's reading is unique. Bx reads "And but I hadde by ooþer wey at þe laste I stale it."
Or privyly his purs y shook / or y vn-pykedeF.10.379: An otiose curl appears above the <p>. hise lokkys.
EyþirF.10.380: Alpha is responsible for dissyllabic Eyþir. Beta manuscripts have Or. be nyght or be day / a-bowte harm was y euere.
F.10.384KD.13.372, 373
Of myn neeste neyhebore / whan y sholde repen it.F.10.384: Alpha had made one line of two. Beta reads as follows:
Of my nexte Neghebore nymen of his erþe
And if I rope ouerreche or yaf hem reed þat ropen.
Of my nexte Neghebore nymen of his erþe
And if I rope ouerreche or yaf hem reed þat ropen.
He muste legge pleggys of heuyere peyȝs / & priuy presentis.F.10.387: F's line is unique. Bx reads as follows: "Wiþ presentes pryuely or paide som certeyn."
Þat it costeF.10.393: Alpha reads coste. Beta manuscripts have coste me. mychil moore / y swoor manye oþis.
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& swoor þerby / swythe ofte / a-bowte þe ale cuppe.F.10.414: F's b-verse is unique. R reads as follows: "and al by-swatte his cote."
Consencientes & agentes pari pena puniendi sunt.F.10.440: Alpha reads puniendi sunt against beta's punientur.
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Non habitabit in medio domus mee qui facit superbiam.F.10.447: F omits Bx's "& qui loquitur iniqua."
Leden þo / þat lovedynF.10.471: Alpha has the preterite form. Beta manuscripts have louen. hem / to lucyferis feeste.
Why he ne hadde wasshe yt / er with a brushȝ rubbid it.F.10.475: Bx reads "or wiped it wiþ a brusshe."
/ [¶] I have but on hatereF.10.476: Alpha and L lack beta's hool before hatere. quod Haukyn / y am þe lasse to blame.
Þat wille be-moole it manye tymesF.10.480: Alpha and Cr2,3G have the plural form for beta's tyme. / mawgre my chekys.
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With soope of syknesse / þat seekeþ wonder depe.F.10.482: The top lines of each leaf, with the exception of the drawings on fol. 76v, are undecorated to the end of the manuscript.
& grucchede a-geyn god / whan grevis he me sente.F.10.484: F revises this line extensively. Bx reads "To agulte god or any good man by aught þat I wiste."
Or þoruh werk or ellis þowht / or þoruh wil of herte.F.10.490: Alpha introduced þowht, spoiling the alliterative pattern. Bx reads "Or þoruȝ werk or þoruȝ word or wille of myn herte."
Þat shal clawe of þy coote / alle vn-clene fylthys.F.10.493: F omits the following line: "Cordis contricio &c."
¶ Dowel wasshe it & wrynge it / with a wyȝs confessour.F.10.494: F omits the following line: "Oris confessio &c."
& Dobest & keep þe cleene / fram vnkyȝnde werkis.F.10.497: The portion of this line following Dobest is attested only in F.
& goo to Satisfaccioun sone / for to sunne þe after.F.10.499: F omits the following line from Bx: Satisfaccio. In Bx this line and the omitted Latin tag appear before 10.497.
Þere shal no heroude ne harpour / have an hendereF.10.502: F's reading is unique. Bx reads fairer. garnement.
Ne no MenstralF.10.504: A faint hint of red on the initial <M> may indicate that the scribe intended to highlight it. be more worþ / a-mong poore & ryche.
Þan Haukyn þe Waferer / wich isF.10.505: Beta manuscripts have "with his" in place of "wich is." / actiua vita.
Ne soliciti scitisF.10.512: F truncates the Latin tag, which in Bx continues "&c. Volucres celi deus pascit &c. pacientes vincunt &c."
¶ Þan lawhede Haukyn a lyte / & a lytil ooþ he made.F.10.513: Bx's b-verse reads "and lightly gan swerye."
Who-so troweth eyþir of ȝow / y trowe he be vnblessid.F.10.514: F's reading is unique. Beta reads "Whoso leueþ yow by oure lord I leue noȝt he be blessed." R is much the same, but adds
noþer after yow.
VytaylesF.10.516: An otiose curl appears over the second <y>. / grete vertues / of alle manere goodnesse.
& seyde loo here is lyflode y-nou / if oure feyþF.10.517: F's reading is unique. Bx reads bileue. be trewe.
For lewte was neuere so ryf / as lyflode is y-shape.F.10.518: F's nonsense is the product of confusing <n> with <u>, eventually producing lewte instead of lente, and <l> with anglicana <r> to make ryf in place of lyf. Bx reads "For lent neuere was lif but liflode were shapen." F omits the following archetypal line: "Wherof or wherfore or wherby
to libbe."
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Quodcumque pecieritisF.10.525: The omission of Bx's a patre occurred in alpha. For variants in the Vulgate text of Jn. 14.13, see John A. Alford, Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations (Binghamton, NY: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1992), p. 87. in nomine meo dabitur vobis.F.10.525: F alone completes the quotation with Dabitur vobis. Et alibi. Non in solo pane viuit homo . Sed in omni verbo quod procedit de ore dei.
/ [¶] Þan y lookede what þat lyflodeF.10.526: Alpha is responsible for "þat lyflode." Beta and C manuscripts have "liflode it." was / þat Pacyense preysede.
Þere wasF.10.527: Alpha and HmCr lack beta's it after was. a pece of þe Pater noster . fiat voluntas tua.
Or wan þou clumsist for cold / er klyngyst for drowhtys.F.10.529: Alpha and C agree in reading drouȝthe. Beta manuscripts have drye. F alone has the plural form.
Þere shal neuere faytourF.10.530: Alpha reads faytour against beta's correctly alliterating gyues. þe greve / ne grete lord þe wratthe.
Ne for hungir ne heete / for no þyng shal þe greve.F.10.536: F's b-verse is unique. Bx reads as follows: "at his wille be it."
If þou leve after his loore / þe shortere lyf þe leuere.F.10.537: This is the alpha reading. Beta witnesses have þe bettre.
For þoruhȝ his breeþ beestys weren / & wyȝde a-brood wentyn.F.10.539: F omits the following line from Bx: "Dixit & facta sunt &c."
As holy writ witnessiþ / & dauid in þe sawter.F.10.541: Bx reads "whan men seye hir graces." The scribe is correct in saying that the following quotation is from the psalter. It is
Ps. 144.16.
Aperis tu manum tuam & imples omne animalF.10.542: The flourish on the <l> is not significant. benedictione
& ȝit men leveden / & mete & drynk hadden.F.10.547: F's line is unique, reversing the sense of Bx's "That manye wyntres men lyueden and no mete ne tulieden."
A-mongisF.10.551: The <o> is ill-formed, the scribe having begun to make a <g>. cristene creaturis / if cristis wordys þei take.
/ [¶] But welthe is so myche a maisterF.10.552: F's reading is unique. The a-verse in Bx reads "Ac vnkyndenesse caristia makeþ." / a-mongis cristene peple.
Was þoruh plente / of payn / & of pure slewthe.F.10.556: F omits the following line from Bx: "Ociositas & habundancia panis peccatum turpissimum nutriuit," though it is worth noting that R also omits Bx's "peccatum . . . nutriuit."
Þerfore mesure þe wel / & mak þy feyþ / þy sheltroum.F.10.561: F has revised this line. Bx reads "Forþi mesure we vs wel and make oure feiþ oure sheltrom." The scribe initially wrote cheltroum but corrected himself.
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Þat whiles he be-levede / in loore of holy chirche he leevede.F.10.566: F revised this line. Bx reads "That whiles he lyuede he bileuede in þe loore of holy chirche."
But shryfte of mowþ / more worþy ys / if man be withwith[in]F.10.569: Bx reads "if man be ynliche contrit." contrit.
¶ ȜeeF.10.577: Alpha is responsible for Ȝee. where woneþ Charite / quod haukyn / ȝit wiste y neuere.
Þere is charytees / chambre / for he is god hym-selue.F.10.580: Bx reads "There is Charite þe chief chambre (or chaumbrere?) for god hymselue."
¶ Wheyþir paciense & pouerteF.10.581: Alpha and C read "paciense & pouerte." Beta manuscripts have "paciente (or pacience) pouerte." quod haukyn / be plesant to god more.
/ [¶] A wyȝeF.10.590: F revises the a-verse. Bx reads "Ioye þat neuere ioye hadde." þat neuere Ioye hadde / of a Iugge he askeþ.
& gretF.10.595: An otiose curl appears above the <re>. blysse to alle þat been / boþe wyȝlde & tame.
Ryght so Resoun redyþ / þo men shulle redyly a-counte.F.10.603: F's reading is unique. Bx reads as follows: "Right so reson sheweþ þat þo men þat were riche." R reads "Riȝt so resoun scheweth þat þo men."
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For þat have here heere to-fore / been heere moost nedysnedyF.10.614: F's reading is unique. Beta reads "Hewen þat han hir hire afore arn eueremoore nedy." Alpha is responsible for tofore in place of afore.
For selde þei suppe out of dette / & dyȝhgne er þei aserue it.F.10.615: Bx reads "And selden deyeþ he out of dette þat dyneþ er he deserue it." Alpha is responsible for omitting the first he and converting the second to plural þei. That led F to supply a plural subject for suppe.
Be ryche men yt semeþ ryght soo / þe same þat ȝee shulle. F's reading is unique. Beta witnesses vary, though most read as follows:
So I seye by yow riche it semeþ noȝt þat ye shulle
Haue heuene in youre here beyng and heuene þerafter.
Alpha had the phrase "two hevenys," and it reappears in a revised line in C.
So I seye by yow riche it semeþ noȝt þat ye shulle
Haue heuene in youre here beyng and heuene þerafter.
Alpha had the phrase "two hevenys," and it reappears in a revised line in C.
As he þat non hevene hadde / & haþ heveneF.10.624: F adds hevene in the a-verse for greater explicitness. Alpha is responsible for the second hevene. Beta manuscripts have hire in the b-verse. at þe laste.
De delicijs / ad delicias . difficile est ascendere.F.10.626: Alpha is responsible for ascendere. Beta manuscripts have transire.
Boþe to ryche / & to nono[t] ryche / þat ryght-fullyF.10.634: Alpha is responsible for ryght-fully. Beta manuscripts read rewfulliche. heere lybben.
Of forgyfnesse of here synnes / & hevene blysse after.F.10.636: Alpha omitted the following five lines:
Ac it is but selde yseien as by holy seintes bokes
That god rewarded double reste to any riche wye
For muche murþe is amonges riche as in mete and cloþyng
And muche murþe in May is amonges wilde beestes
And so forþ while somer lasteþ hir solace dureþ.
Ac it is but selde yseien as by holy seintes bokes
That god rewarded double reste to any riche wye
For muche murþe is amonges riche as in mete and cloþyng
And muche murþe in May is amonges wilde beestes
And so forþ while somer lasteþ hir solace dureþ.
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¶ But þe poore in prisoun lyȝnF.10.651: F's a-verse is unique. Bx reads "Ac poore peple þi prisoners (Alpha had prisoun or R's prisones) lord." / in þe pit of myscheef.
Þey have woo / in wyntris tymeF.10.654: Beta manuscripts have "wynter tymes." / & wantynge of cloþis.
¶ Thus in genere of alle IentylisF.10.659: Alpha is responsible for alle. R has his genitrice, and beta has gentries for F's Ientylis. / Iesu crist seyȝde.
& be-knowleche it In confessiounF.10.665: F's a-verse is unique. Beta reads "Confession and knowlichynge," and R has "Knowlechynge and confession." / & craue þyn mercy.
WeF.10.668: F uniquely reads We. Beta manuscripts have He, and R has Ho. sholde take a-quitaunce / & to þe qweed it shewe.
Pateant vniuersi per passionem domini nostri Iesu cristiF.10.669: The scribe may have underestimated the size of the Latin quotation to be supplied, for he left the next line blank. Or
perhaps, in view of his reaching the end of the quire at the end of a stint of copying, he was simply padding.
¶ & if pompe or pride / doþ þe parchemyn cowre.F.10.673: The b-verse in Bx reads "þe parchemyn decourreþ." Decourreþ is a nonce word, here used figuratively to mean "shuns, avoids, parts from." MED provides no parallels for F's cowre.
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Pater nostris & penauntisF.10.676: Alpha, Hm, and a slightly revised C have the plural form. Beta manuscripts have singular penaunce. / & pilgrimes to Rome.
With oure spendyng of spekynge / springe of a trewe welle. F's revisions of this passage fail in sense. Bx reads as follows:
But oure spences and spendynge sprynge of a trewe welle
Ellis is al oure labour lost lo how men writeþ
In fenestres at þe freres if fals be þe foundement
Forþi cristene sholde be in commune riche noon coueitous for hymselue.
F omits the last of these lines entirely.
But oure spences and spendynge sprynge of a trewe welle
Ellis is al oure labour lost lo how men writeþ
In fenestres at þe freres if fals be þe foundement
Forþi cristene sholde be in commune riche noon coueitous for hymselue.
F omits the last of these lines entirely.
Ellis al oure labour is / laweles y trowe.F.10.678: The phrase "labour . . . trowe" is written over an erasure.
But with rycchesse þo rybawdisF.10.683: Alpha and C have the plural. Beta manuscripts have "þat ribaude." / rathest men by-gyle.
For þere þat rycchesse reygneþ / reuerencesF.10.684: Alpha and C have the plural. Beta manuscripts have a singular form. F alone has it. it folwiþ.
ButF.10.686: Alpha is responsible for But (or R's Ac). Beta manuscripts have And. þe ryche is reuerencid / be resoun of his rychesse. Bx reads as follows:
Ac (or And) þe riche is reuerenced by reson of his richesse
Ther þe poore is put bihynde and parauenture kan moore
Of wit and of wisdom þat fer awey is bettre
Than richesse or reautee, and raþer herd in heuene.
The revision of the fourth line above suggests that the omission of the third had already occurred in F's exemplar.
Ac (or And) þe riche is reuerenced by reson of his richesse
Ther þe poore is put bihynde and parauenture kan moore
Of wit and of wisdom þat fer awey is bettre
Than richesse or reautee, and raþer herd in heuene.
The revision of the fourth line above suggests that the omission of the third had already occurred in F's exemplar.
Þere þe poore procheþF.10.691: Scribal interpretation of a suspension in alpha is responsible for F's p(ro)cheþ and R's p(re)cheth. Beta manuscripts and C have preesseþ. to-foore / with a pakke y-charged.F.10.691: F omits the following three lines from Bx:
Opera enim illorum sequntur illos
Batauntliche as beggeris doon and boldeliche he craueþ
For his pouerte and his pacience a perpetuel blisse.
Opera enim illorum sequntur illos
Batauntliche as beggeris doon and boldeliche he craueþ
For his pouerte and his pacience a perpetuel blisse.
Beati pauperes spiritu quoniam ipsorum est enimF.10.692: F uniquely adds enim. regnum celorum.
¶ ButF.10.693: Alpha is responsible for But (or R's Ac). Beta manuscripts and C have And. pride in rycchesse reygneþ / rathere þan in pouerte.
& buxum at his byddynge / for hise broode noblis.F.10.699: F uniquely reads "broode noblis." Other B manuscripts have "broke loues."
& þowh his glutF.10.709: The required sense "gluttony" for glut is not elsewhere attested in Middle English. See MED s.v. glut, meaning "glutton." be in good ale / he gooþ a-cold to bedde.
So for his grete glotenyeF.10.712: F alone omits Bx's "and his greete sleuthe." / he haþ a greuous penaunce.
¶ & þeyF.10.716: Alpha is responsible for þey, "though." Beta manuscripts have If. Coueytyse wolde cacche þe poore / þey mowe not comen same.
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To doon hym dyghne delycatly ./ ne to drynke wyȝn ofte.F.10.728: Alpha omitted two lines attested by beta manuscripts:
A straw for þe stuwes it stoode noȝt I trowe
Hadde þei no þyng but of poore men hir houses stoode vntyled.
A straw for þe stuwes it stoode noȝt I trowe
Hadde þei no þyng but of poore men hir houses stoode vntyled.
Þat god is grettest his[his grettest]F.10.731: Alpha and B omit his before grettest. F in correcting the error presumably misplaced his. helpe / & no goome ellis.
MicheF.10.742: An otiose curl is written over the <c>. The spelling miche does not elsewhere appear in this manuscript. is þat mayde to love / of hym þat swich oon takeþ.
Þe wiche is sybbe to god hym-selue / & so neer is þat persone.F.10.748: F's b-verse is unique. Beta has "and so to hise seintes," and R reads "and so neyȝ is pouerte."
¶ Have god my trewthe quod haukyn / y heereheere [ȝou] preyse pouerte.F.10.749: F's b-verse is unique. Beta manuscripts read "ye preise faste pouerte." R's reading is corrupt.
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¶ Contricio is confort / & cura animarum .F.10.762: < .1. > is written in the right margin, probably by the original scribe, to identify the first of the "solaces" mentioned
in 10.758. The third is identified in the text at 10.768.
As sytt a Iustise / to Iugge men of gyltys.F.10.764: F's b-verse is unique. R has no b-verse reading at all, and beta witnesses read "enioyned is no poore."
Ne as a Meyȝr onF.10.765: R has ouer, and given beta's synonymous aboue, F's on probably reflects either a failure in his exemplar to provide the suspension above <ou> or his own oversight. men / ne mynstre vndir kyngis.
He wynneþ nowht with hise wyȝles / ne with vn-selyd mesures.F.10.770: < .2. > is written in the right margin, probably by the original scribe, to identify the second of the "solaces" mentioned
in 10.758. The third is identified in the text at 10.768.
¶ Þe fyfte is / þe Moodir of heleF.10.778: Beta manuscripts have "moder of helþe" in place of alpha's "þe Moodir of hele." / and freend in alle fondynge.
¶ Þe sixte is a paþ of pees / platoun beryþ witnesse.F.10.781: F has completely rewritten the b-verse. Bx reads "ye þoruȝ þe paas of Aultoun." R is defective in sense here, reading "ȝe þoruȝ þe pa altone," and F's revision may
be a response to a problem in alpha.
For þere þat pouerte passeþ / pees folweth after.F.10.783: F omits the following line: "And euer þe lasse þat he bereþ þe hardier he is of herte."
For-þy seyþ Seneca / Paupertas est absque solitudineF.10.784: Alpha is responsible for solitudine, a reading shared by C2BmBoCot. Beta manuscripts have sollicitudine. Both variants appear in the C tradition as well. semita.
¶ Þe .viije. is a leel labourerF.10.790: Alpha is responsible for labourer, a reading shared by CrL. Other B and C manuscripts have labour. / & looþ to taken moore.
For pacyence is peyne / for pouerte he is hym-selue.F.10.795: F has miscomprehended the sense here, confusing payn, "bread," with peyne, "pain." He then revised the b-verse in an attempt to make sense of the line. Bx reads "For pacience is payn for pouerte hymselue."
Þus lerned me a leridF.10.797: Alpha and most C manuscripts read lerid. Beta manuscripts have lettred. man / for oure lordis love of heuenne.
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¶ Allas quod HaukynF.10.802: Alpha is responsible for omitting "þe Actif man" after "Haukyn." þanne / þat after my cristendome.
Synne scheweth vs good semblaunt / & sory gan he wexen.F.10.805: Erroneous scheweth is owed to alpha. Beta reads "Synne seweþ vs euere quod he and sory gan wexe." F revises to supply an appropriate direct
object for the verb.
Explicit Passus