F.5.1KD.5.3OFF.5.1: The ornamental capital, five lines high, is produced mainly in green with red flourishes. wynkynge y waked þo / & wo was y w
F.5.2KD.5.4Þat y ne hadde slepe saddere / & y-seyn moore.
F.5.3KD.5.5But er y hadde faren a forlong / a feyntyȝse me hente.
F.5.4KD.5.6Þat y ne myghte a foote furthere / for defawte of slepe.
F.5.5KD.5.7Þan sat y softly adoun / & seyde myn beleve.
F.5.6KD.5.8& y bablede so on my bedis / þey browhte me on sleepe.
F.5.7KD.5.9¶ & þanne y seyȝ mychil moore / þan y be-fore-hond tolde.
F.5.8KD.5.10For y seyȝ þe feld ful of folk / þat y be-fore of seyde.
F.5.9KD.5.11& how Resoun a-rayed hym / al þe Rewme to preche.
F.5.10KD.5.12 & at þe cros by-fore þe kyng / he comsed a teeme.
F.5.11KD.5.13/ [¶] He prechede þat þe pestylencys / wheryn for pure synne.
F.5.12KD.5.14& þat þe Sowþ-west wyȝnd / on a Saturday ateveat eve.
F.5.13KD.5.15Was a-pertly for pryȝde / & for no poynt ellys.
F.5.14KD.5.16Boþe pyryes & plumtrees / wheryn puffyd to þe erthe.
F.5.15KD.5.18& broode okes & beechis / where blowe to þe grownde.
F.5.16KD.5.19& turned
e vpward
e her
e tayl / knowlechynge
F.5.16: Alpha lacks beta's in before Bx's tokenynge which F has rendered as knowlechynge. drede.
F.5.17KD.5.20Þat dedly synne er domes-day / sholde for-don vs alle.
F.5.18KD.5.17& al þese was ensample / þ
at we sholde doon þe bettre.
F.5.18: There is considerable variation among B manuscripts for this verse. Bx probably read "In ensample ye segges ye sholden do þe bettre." Note that this verse appears after 5.14 in Bx.
F.5.35KD.5.37/ [¶] My sire seyde onys to me / & also seyde my damme.
F.5.36KD.5.38How þat þe leevere chyld / þe more Loore be-hoveþ.
F.5.37KD.5.39& Salomon seide þe same / þat sapience book maade.
F.5.38KD.5.39αQvi parcit virge odit filium.
F.5.39KD.5.39α.1Þe englyȝs of þis Latyn ys / who þat wille yt knowe.
F.5.40KD.5.40Who þ
at spareþ þe ȝonge spryng / he
F.5.40: Beta witnesses omit he. spillyþ hyse barnes.
F.5.46KD.5.45/ [¶] Þanne after he radde Relygious / here rewhlys to holde.
F.5.47KD.5.46Lest þe kyng by his conseyl / ȝoure comonys a-peyre.
F.5.48KD.5.47& been
e of ȝour
e Stedis / ty
l ȝee
been in
e rewle.
F.5.48: "V:" with red flourishes appears in the upper right margin to indicate the passus number.
F.5.49KD.5.48& sytthen he conseylyde þe kyng / to love þe comoun peple.
F.5.50KD.5.49For þat is tresor / yf tresoun nere / & triacle at neede.
F.5.51KD.5.50& sytthe he prayede þe Pope / to have rewþe on holy chirche
F.5.52KD.5.51& er he grawnte ony grace / to governe fyrst hym-selue.
F.5.53KD.5.52& ȝee þat have Lawis to kepe / let Coueytyse be with trewþe.
F.5.54KD.5.53More þan gold / or oþire gyftys / if ȝee wille god plese.
F.5.55KD.5.54For who þat contraryeþ trewþe / as telliþ þe trewe gospel.
F.5.56KD.5.54.1Þat god knoweth hym nowht / ne non coorseynt of hevene.
F.5.57KD.5.55Amen dico vobis . nescio vos.
F.5.58KD.5.56& ȝee þat seekyn seynt Iemes / or ony seynt of Rome.
F.5.59KD.5.57Seke first seynt trewþe / for he may save ȝow alle.
F.5.60KD.5.58Qvi cum patre & filio / alle fayre hem be-falle.
F.5.61KD.5.59Þat sewyn myn sermoun / & þus seyde sire Resoun.
F.5.62KD.5.60NNouNouF.5.62: The scribe left a blank space for the capital but rather than write a guide-letter in the space, supplied his own anglicana
text capital. ran
Repentaunce / & reersede his teeme
F.5.63KD.5.61& made wille to wepe / water with his eyȝen.
F.5.64KD.5.62& Peronylle prowd-herte / platte hire on þe erthe.
F.5.65KD.5.63& þere she lay longe / & oure lord / mercy cryȝede.
F.5.66KD.5.64& by
-hyghte to hy
m an hees
F.5.66: hees, "hest." / þ
at vs alle formede
F.5.67KD.5.65Þat she wolde vn
hyhy[r] sirke / & settyn þ
F.5.67: The scribe originally wrote þee, and then corrected the superscripted <e> to his usual suspension for <-er>. an hayr
F.5.68KD.5.66To a
F.5.68: F's unique reading a-flasshen-- Bx reads affaiten--is rare in Middle English. MED has only one citation, but it is clearly related to flashen with its senses of striking, slashing, throwing down violently. Here it refers to mortification of the flesh through penance. hir
e fleshȝ / þ
at feers was to synne.
F.5.69KD.5.67Shal y neuere have heyȝ herte / but holde me euere lowe.
F.5.70KD.5.68& suffre toto [be] mys-seyȝd / & so ȝit dide y neuere.
F.5.71KD.5.69But now wille y meeke me / & Mercy be-seche.
F.5.72KD.5.70For þ
F.5.72: Alpha omits al before þat. y have hated / in my
n herte longe.
F.5.73KD.5.71/ [¶] Þe LecclourLecc[h]our seyde ofte allas / & to oure Lady he criȝede.
F.5.74KD.5.72To have mercy for hise mys
-dedis / þ
at mychil he offendid.
F.5.74: F's b-verse is unique. Bx fails in alliteration, reading "bitwene god and his soule."
F.5.75KD.5.73Be so / he sholde eu
ery day
F.5.75: Beta reads þe Saterday in place of euery day (F) or on þe day (R). / þis sevene ȝeer after.
F.5.76KD.5.74Drynke w
h þe du
F.5.76: This spelling, which appears to be unique, conceals dunghill. The lection does not appear in other B manuscripts. doke / & dyghnen but ones.
F.5.77KD.5.75Þanne Envie with heuy herte / askyde after shryfte.
F.5.78KD.5.76& carefully w
h mea culpa he comsede to shryve.
F.5.78: Beta reads shewe in place of F's shryve or R's schrewe.
F.5.79KD.5.77He was as pale / as a pelote / & in þe palesy he semede.
F.5.80KD.5.78He was cloþid in cawry-mawry / I cowhde it not discryȝe.
F.5.81KD.5.79He hadde on kyrtyl & coorteby / & a long
F.5.81: An otiose curl appears above the <g>. knyf by his syȝde.
F.5.82KD.5.80& of a
Frerys frokke / weryn hise
F.5.82: Alpha is responsible for hise, though the reading is shared by H. Other beta manuscripts have þe. for
F.5.83KD.5.82He lookede w
h lene chekys / & lowrynge brewys.
F.5.83: In relation to Bx this line and the next are transposed.
F.5.84KD.5.81As a leek hadde y-leyn / longe a-geyn þe sunne.
F.5.85KD.5.83His body was foule y-bolned / & faste he boot hise lyppis.
F.5.86KD.5.84& hise hondis he wrong / to ben a-wreke he þowhte.
F.5.87KD.5.85With werkys / or with wordis / whan he seyȝ his tyȝme.
F.5.88KD.5.86& euery word þat he warp / was lyk an addir tunge.
F.5.89KD.5.87Of chydynge & Ianglynge / was his cheef lyflode.
F.5.89: The scribe corrected loflode only imperfectly. See the facsimile.
F.5.90KD.5.88With bakbytynge & bysmere / & berynge fals witnesse.
F.5.91KD.5.89Swiche manerys he made / to ech man he medled w
F.5.91: F has completely rewritten this line which in Bx reads "This was al his curteisie where þat euere he shewed hym."
F.5.92KD.5.90Þanne seyde þat shrewe y wolde be shryve / if y for shame durste.
F.5.93KD.5.91But ȝit y wolde be gladder
e / yf
Gybbe hadde mys
F.5.93: F omits Bx's: "Than þouȝ I hadde þis wouke ywonne a weye of Essex chese."
F.5.94KD.5.93I have a neyȝhebore neyȝ me / y haue noyȝed hym ofte.
F.5.95KD.5.96& lowhe on hym ful lowhde / & mad hym loost[lese] his syluer.
F.5.96KD.5.97& mad hise frendis . hise foon / þorwh my false tunge.
F.5.97KD.5.98For his grace & goode happis / greve me ful sore.
F.5.98KD.5.99By-twixe hym & manye men / y make debate ofte.
F.5.99KD.5.100Þat boþe here lyvis & here lymes / be loost . þoru my speche.
F.5.100KD.5.101& whan y mete hym in Market / þat y moost hate.
F.5.101KD.5.102I heyȝle hym ful hendely / as y his frend were.
F.5.102KD.5.103For hehe [is] dowhtyere þan y / y dar doon non oþir.
F.5.103KD.5.104But hadde y Maystrie ouer hym / god wot my wille.
F.5.104KD.5.105& whan y come to chirche
F.5.104: Alpha is responsible for chirche, though the reading is shared by Hm. Bx reads kirk. / & knele to
-for þe roode.
F.5.105KD.5.106& sholde praye for þe peple / as þe parshȝ prest techeþ.
F.5.106KD.5.107For pylgrymes for palmeres / & penauntys also.
F.5.107KD.5.108Þanne y criȝe for cristian / þat crist gyve hire sorwe
F.5.108KD.5.109Þat bar a-wey myn bolle / & my broke sheete.
F.5.109KD.5.110¶ A-weyȝ fram þe awhter / þan turne y myn eyȝen.
F.5.110KD.5.111& be
-held how
hervy / hadde on
F.5.110: Beta witnesses omit alpha's on. a newe cote.
e y brende bett
erly / þ
at my
n brest
-boon ga
n krake.
F.5.111: This line appears uniquely in F.
F.5.112KD.5.112& wisshede ofte / it were myn / & al þe weeb after.
F.5.113KD.5.113& for mennys leesynge y lawhe / for it lykeþ wel myn herte.
F.5.114KD.5.114But for his wynnyngge y wepe / & ofte weyle þe tyme.
F.5.115KD.5.115I deme hem / þat doon Ille / & y do my-selue wel werse.
F.5.116KD.5.116& who þat vndir-nemeþ me þerof / I hate hym euere after.
F.5.117KD.5.117I wolde þ
at euery whyȝt man / were
F.5.117: An otiose curl appears above the medial <e>. be
-come my
n knave.
F.5.118KD.5.118& who þat haþ more þan y / ȝee þat angriþ me sore.
F.5.119KD.5.119& þus y lyve loveles / lych a lythir dogge.
F.5.120KD.5.120Þat al my body bolneþ / so bytter ys my galle.
F.5.121KD.5.121I myghte not etyn manye ȝeris / as a man awhte.
F.5.122KD.5.122For Envye & euel wyl / ys evyl to defyȝe.
F.5.123KD.5.123Þere may no sewgre / ne swete þyng / a-swage my wombe.
F.5.124KD.5.124Ne non dyapendyon / dryve it fram myn herte.
F.5.125KD.5.125Ne neythir shryfte ne shame / but he wil shrape myn mawe
F.5.128KD.5.128¶ Pet
er y am eu
F.5.128: Beta lacks alpha's euere. sory
quod he y am but seelden oþ
F.5.129KD.5.129& þ
at makþ me þus meegr
e / for y ne me may a
F.5.129: Bx reads "for I ne may me venge." F's word order is a bit odd. See Tauno F. Mustanoja, A Middle English Syntax, Part I: Parts of Speech, Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki 23 (Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960), pp. 339-40, and cf. F9.22.
F.5.130KD.5.130I was a-mong burgeys / þere men bowhte & solde.
F.5.131KD.5.131I made
e be
kour / to
kke me
nnys war
F.5.131: "V:" with red flourishes appears in the top right margin to indicate the passus number.
F.5.132KD.5.132& whan he solde & y nowht / þan was y ful redy.
F.5.133KD.5.133To lyȝe & to lowr
e on hy
m / & to lakkyn his ware.
F.5.133: The alpha scribe picked up ware from two lines above. Beta preserves correct chaffare.
F.5.134KD.5.134I wille a-mende me if y may / þorgh cristis myght in heuenne.
F.5.135KD.5.135F.5.135: The scribe left an indented blank for a 3-line capital <T>. A guide letter <T> appears. T
wratthe gan awake / w
h two white eyȝes.
F.5.136KD.5.136Al revelynge[n]evelynge with his nose / & his nekke hangynge.
F.5.137KD.5.137I am wrothȝ he seyde þo / for sumtyme y was a frere.
F.5.138KD.5.138& þe Couentys Gardyner / for to graffe yȝmpis.
F.5.139KD.5.139& on Lemetour & on lyȝstre / lesynges y yȝmpede.
F.5.140KD.5.140Tyl þey bere Levis of lowh speche / lordis to plese.
F.5.141KD.5.141& sytthyn þey blomed
F.5.141: Alpha is in error, omitting abrood after blomed. i
n bowr
es / for to heeryn shryftis.
F.5.142KD.5.142& now ys fallyn swich frut þerof / þat folk have wel levere.
F.5.143KD.5.143To shewyn her
e shryfte to hem / & for
-sake her
e p
F.5.143: F's b-verse is unique. Bx reads "þan shryuen hem to hir persons."
F.5.144KD.5.144& now have p
arsones y
arceyvid / þ
at her
e p
arsshenys love fr
F.5.144: F's b-verse is unique. Bx reads "þat freres parte wiþ hem."
F.5.145KD.5.145& so possessioneris prechyn / & de-prauen Freris.
F.5.146KD.5.146& fyȝnde
F.5.146: Alpha omits freres before fyȝnde. hem i
n defawhte / as folk ber
e witnesse.
F.5.147KD.5.147Þat whan þey preche þe peple / in fele placys a-bowte.
F.5.148KD.5.148I wratthe walke with hem / & wisshe hem of my bookys.
F.5.149KD.5.149& make hem so speke of spiritualte / tyl ech dyspyse oþir.
F.5.150KD.5.150Tyl þey ben boþe beggeris / & by
F.5.150: Alpha omits my following by, as does Hm. almesse lybben.
F.5.151KD.5.151Or ellis boþe be ryche / & ryally ryde a-bowte.
F.5.152KD.5.151-152& y wratthe reste neuere / but renne after & folwe.
F.5.153KD.5.152Alle swiche wykkide folk / for swich is my grace.
F.5.154KD.5.153/ [¶] I have an awnte to a
nne / & eek an
F.5.154: Alpha and C lack a line-terminal boþe that appears in all beta witnesses. F's eek is unique.
F.5.155KD.5.154Þey weryn leuere to sweltre / þan to suffre a whyle.
F.5.156KD.5.155I was Cook in here kychene / & þe conuent seruede.
Moneþis of þe ȝeer / &
Mawgre was my knave.
F.5.157: F has substantially revised this line. Bx reads "Manye Monþes wiþ hem and wiþ Monkes boþe."
F.5.158KD.5.157I was þe Prioresse potager / & oþire poore Ladijs.
F.5.159KD.5.158& Made hem Iowtys of Ianglynge / þat dame Ione was bastard.
F.5.160KD.5.159& dame Claris a knyghtis dowter / bubu[t] she knew not hire fadir.
F.5.161KD.5.160& dame
Peronel a p
restys syst
erF.5.161: Bx reads "a preestes fyle." ./
Prioresse worþ she neuer
F.5.162KD.5.161For she childid in Chirye-tyme / al þe chapetre it wyste.
F.5.163KD.5.162I hakkede her
e wortis ech day / w
h wordys & w
h spyes.
F.5.163: F has completely revised this line which in Bx reads "Of wikkede wordes I wraþe hire wortes I made."
F.5.164KD.5.163Tyl þou lyxt & þou lyxt / lopen owt a tonysat onys.
F.5.165KD.5.164& ech cracchid oþir / & hir
e kyrtlys rentyn.
F.5.165: F's reading is unique. Bx reads "And eiþer hitte ooþer vnder þe cheke."
F.5.166KD.5.165Hadde þey had knyvis by crist / ech hadde kyllid oþir.
F.5.167KD.5.166¶ Seynt Gregory was a good pope / & hadde good resoun.
F.5.168KD.5.167Þat no Prioresse sholde be prest / þat lawe he ordeynede
F.5.169KD.5.168Þey weryn infamys at þe firste / so cun þei conseil close.
nkis y myghte be / but ofte þa
nne y wonde.
F.5.170: A corrupt or confusing exemplar may account for F's reading. He omits the following line from Bx and revises the b-verse of this one. The immediate scribe wrote the present b-verse over an erasure in a different ink.
Bx reads as follows:
Among Monkes I myȝte be ac many tyme I shonye
For þere ben manye felle frekes my feeris to aspie.
F.5.171KD.5.171Boþe of Pryour & supprior / & of pater Abbas.
F.5.172KD.5.172For if itellei telle onye talis / þey take hem to-gydres.
F.5.173KD.5.173& don me faste frydayes / boþe breed & watur.
F.5.174KD.5.174& y am chastysed in Chapetre / as y a child were.
F.5.175KD.5.175& baleysed on my bar
e bak / þat my bely beendiþ.
F.5.175: F's reading is unique. Bx reads "And baleised on þe bare ers and no brech bitwene."
F.5.176KD.5.176For-þy y have no lykynge / with þo leedis to dwelle.
F.5.177KD.5.177For þere y eet vnthende fyssh / & drank feble ale.
F.5.182KD.5.182¶ A Repente quod Repentaunce / & reerse þou yt neuere.
F.5.183KD.5.183Of co
nseyl þ
at þ
ou knowist / be co
ntynance ne be speche.
F.5.183: Alpha is responsible for speche. Beta reads variously riȝt, sight, and nyght.
F.5.184KD.5.184& drynk not ouer-delycatly / ne to depe neythir.
F.5.185KD.5.185Þat þy wille be cause þerof / to wratthe it þe turne.
F.5.186KD.5.186Esto sobrius he seyde / & assoyled me sone þere-after.
F.5.187KD.5.187& bad me wylne to wepe / my wykkidnesse to amende.
F.5.188KD.5.188AFter hy
m cam
Coueytyse / y can not hy
m disc
F.5.188: The ornamental capital <A> is written in green with red flourishes extending in the left margin fifteen lines above and
ten below.
F.5.189KD.5.189So hugerlyhu[n]gerly / & holwe / sire Hervy lokede.
F.5.190KD.5.190He was brytyl-brewidbytyl-brewid / & babirlyppid alse.
F.5.191KD.5.190With two blerede eyȝen / as a blynd hagge.
F.5.192KD.5.191& as a ledrene purs / lolleden hise chekys.
F.5.193KD.5.192Wel syddere þan his chyn / þey shynedeshyu[er]ede for elde.
F.5.194KD.5.193& as a bonde
n et bakou
n / so was his berd dravelyd.
F.5.194: Bx reads "And as a bondeman of his bacon ...." The scribe's usual form of "ate" is eet, and it is not at all clear what he intended here.
F.5.195KD.5.194His hood he hadde on his hed / an heyȝ hat þer vppe.
F.5.196KD.5.195He hadde on a tany tabbard / of ten ȝeer of age.
F.5.197KD.5.195.1Al to
-tore & bawhdy / & lappe syȝd / it semede.
F.5.197: This line fails in alliteration in all B manuscripts, and Kane-Donaldson reject it as spurious (p. 193). F's b-verse reading is unique, most B manuscripts reading "and ful of lys crepyng." We are uncertain what lappe syȝd means, though it is possibly an early occurrence of "lopsided."
F.5.198KD.5.196Þat but if a lows wer
e lyght / & cowhde lepe þe bettr
F.5.198: F's reading for this line is unique. All the other B manuscripts are corrupt, omitting an alliterating stave in the a-verse: "But if a lous couþe haue lopen þe bettre." R also
omits haue.
F.5.199KD.5.197He sholde
nono[t] walke on þ
at web / but his staf wer
e pyked.
F.5.199: He is a relict form originally meaning "she" and referring to the lows of the preceding line. Alpha is responsible for retaining this form, but as the b-verse indicates, the immediate scribe
took it to be the masculine pronoun. Bx reads "He sholde noȝt haue walked on þat welche so was it þredbare."
F.5.200KD.5.198¶ I have be Coueytous quod þis caytyf / y be-knowe it here.
F.5.201KD.5.199For sumtyme y servede / Symme at þe style.
F.5.202KD.5.200& was his p
rentiȝs a
F.5.202: Bx reads ypliȝt. F is alone in the B tradition in reading a-plyght, but the same relatively rare word appears among the A variants at A.5.116. / his profyte to wayte.
F.5.203KD.5.201Fyrst y leernede to lyȝe / wel a leef or moore.
F.5.203: Alpha is responsible for or, which is shared by M. Beta reads ouþer. F uniquely reads moore for Bx's tweyne.
F.5.204KD.5.202& skarsly to weyȝe þyngis / was my fyrste lessoun.
F.5.205KD.5.203To wyku
F.5.205: Kane-Donaldson, p. 8, note in their description of F that it uniquely reads wycumbe in place of Bx's wy, suggesting that it "may indicate provenance." Ms. Tania Styles of CENS at the University of Nottingham (private communication)
was kind enough to supply us with the following note: The etymology of Wycombe in Buckinghamshire is disputed. The EPNS county volume of 1925 gives the first element as the river-name Wye and the second
as OE cumb "valley" (pp. 200-01), though spellings that would indicate this do not appear until Domesday Book (Wicumbe). Eilert Ekwall, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names, 4th ed. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960) decides on the basis of the OE forms Wicumun and Westwicam that we have OE wīc + hamm/hām ("meadow/homestead with a dairy farm") or wīchām ("Romano-British settlement" < Lat. vicus) in the dative plural, the river-name being a late back-formation from the place-name; in this case, association with OE
cumb would be secondary but still early; it seems to have been made in 1086 at least. The latest place-name dictionary (A. D.
Mills, A Dictionary of English Place Names (Oxford: Oxford U P, 1991), traces the name from wīcum "at the dwellings," giving the same explanation of the river-name and implying a similar status for the -combe spellings. Margaret Gelling came to this conclusion in Signposts to the Past: Place-Names and the History of England, 2nd ed. (Chester: Phillimore, 1988), p. 68, and in "English Place-Names Derived from the Compound wīchām," in Place-Name Evidence for the Anglo-Saxon Invasion and Scandinavian Settlements, ed. Kenneth Cameron (Nottingham: EPNS, 1987): 8-18. This would suggest that any place-names in wīchām or -hamm or simplex wīc in the dative plural may have been assimilated to cumb, either sporadically or consistently, from an early date. This makes all of the following non-Bucks names possible candidates
for -combe spellings in the ME period. Ms. Styles then provided a list of thirty-one possible instances. Three of these, Wickham Bishops, Wickham Hall, and Wickham
St. Pauls, are in Essex, the first very close to the point at which the editors of LALME have located this manuscript. The EPNS volume The Place-Names of Essex, ed. P. H. Reaney (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1935), lists no spellings in -cumbe, -combe for any of the Essex sites. & to wynchestr
e / y wente to feyres.
F.5.206KD.5.204With many maner of Marchaundise / as my Maister me hyghte.
F.5.207KD.5.205Ne hadde þe grace of gyle be / þat gan gon a-mong my ware.
F.5.208KD.5.206It hadde be vnsold þis seuyn ȝeer / so me god helpe.
F.5.219KD.5.217/ [¶] Þan bowhte y here barly malt / she brewh it to selle.
F.5.220KD.5.218Peny ale & puddyng ale / she porede to-gydre.
F.5.221KD.5.219For laboreris & lowe folk / she leide it be þe
F.5.221: Bx reads "þat lay by hemselue."
F.5.222KD.5.220& þe beste ale lay in my bowr / or in my bed-chambre.
F.5.223KD.5.221& who þat bummede þer-of / he bowhte it þer-after.
F.5.224KD.5.222A galoun for a groote / god woot no lesse.
F.5.225KD.5.223& ȝit it com in / cuppe
-mel / swich craft she vseþ
F.5.225: Alpha has present tense vseþ against the beta family's preterite.
F.5.226KD.5.224Rose regrater / ys
F.5.226: Alpha has present tense ys against the beta family's preterite. hir
e ryght name.
F.5.227KD.5.225She haþ y-holde huksterye / al hire lyf-tyȝme.
F.5.228KD.5.226I swere now so þeech
F.5.228: The <ch> spelling is an odd one for alpha to have introduced for Sire Hervey Coveitise of Norfolk. Langland had indulged
himself in the same dialect joke that Chaucer had used in The Reeve's Tale. Bx must have read so þe ik. / þat synne wil y leete.
F.5.229KD.5.227& neuere wrongly weyȝe / ne wikkid chaffare vse.
F.5.230KD.5.228But y wenden to walsyngham / & my wif with me.
F.5.231KD.5.229& bidde þe roode of Bromholm / brynge me fram dette.
F.5.247KD.5.244¶ I have lent lordis longe / my lovely chaffare.
F.5.248KD.5.245& be a brokour after / bowht yt a-geyn my-selue.
F.5.249KD.5.246& with changis & chevesaunces / with chaffare y dele.
F.5.250KD.5.247& y leene folk þat leese wille / a shelyng in þe noble.
F.5.251KD.5.248& with lumbardis lettris / y ladde gold to Rome.
F.5.252KD.5.249& took it here be tale / & tolde it þere lasse.
F.5.263KD.5.260¶ Now god gyve grace quod repentaunce / but þou repente / þe rathere.
F.5.264KD.5.261Grawnte þe grace on þis grownde / þy good so þou be-sette.
F.5.265KD.5.262Þat þyn houswif after the / have Ioye of þat þou wynnyst.
F.5.266KD.5.263& þyne seketoures weel be-sette / þe siluer þat þou levist
F.5.267KD.5.264For as it ys / wonne with wrong / it worþ with wastoures spendid.
F.5.268KD.5.265For where y Frere of an hows / þere feyþ is fownde þere-Inne.
F.5.269KD.5.266I wolde not
F.5.269: Alpha has wolde not against beta's nolde. Cope vs w
h þy
n Catel / ne our
e chirche
F.5.269: Alpha has chirche for beta's kirk. a
F.5.270KD.5.267Ne have a peny to petau
nce / so mote pyȝghne i
n helle.
F.5.270: F's reading is unique. There are several variants, but Bx probably read as follows: "of þyne bi my soule hele."
F.5.271KD.5.268For þe beste book in oure hous / þeyȝ brend gold where þe levis.
F.5.272KD.5.269& y wyste wittirly / þou were swych as þou tellyst.
F.5.273KD.5.269α Seruus es alterius cum fercula pinguia queris.
F.5.274KD.5.269βPane tuo pocius vescere liber eris.
F.5.275KD.5.270¶ Þou art an vn-kyȝnde creature / y can þe nowht asoyle.
F.5.276KD.5.271Tyl þou Make restitucioun / & rekne with hem alle.
F.5.277KD.5.272& þerto / þat Resoun rolle it / in þe regystre of hevene.
F.5.278KD.5.273For til þou hast maad / ech man good / y may þe noht a-soyle.
F.5.279KD.5.273α Non dimittitur peccatum nisiF.5.279: nisi is owed to alpha. Beta, except for Cr, reads donec. restituatur ablatum.
F.5.280KD.5.274For alle þo þat have þyn good / as god have my trewþe
F.5.281KD.5.275He is holde to ȝeelde it her
e / if he may it qwyte
These lines appear only in F, replacing two lines in Bx:
Is holden at þe heiȝe doom to helpe þee to restitue
And whoso leueþ noȝt þis be sooþ loke in þe Sauter glose.
F.5.282KD.5.276.1Or praye þe of for-gyfnesse / or to doon yt for þy sowle.
F.5.283KD.5.276.2& ellis he shal have evil hap / but he heendely wirche.
F.5.284KD.5.276.3His catel shal fallyn hym froo / or ellis hise freendis goode.
F.5.285KD.5.276.4Or ellis his soule shal drynke sour / at o dayes tyme.
F.5.286KD.5.277Or seyȝ
Miserere mei deus wich ysw[her y] mene trewthe.
F.5.286: F omits from Bx the Latin tag "Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti, &c."
F.5.287KD.5.277.1Þer ys no
Laborer þ
at wil leve
F.5.287: The scribe initially wrote love and corrected to leve. þe / þ
at longiþ to pers plowhma
F.5.287: This line appears only in alpha.
F.5.288: Beta lacks alpha's For. shal neu
ere werkman i
n þis world / þryve . w
h þ
at þ
ou wynnyst.
F.5.289KD.5.278Cum sancto sanctus eris / construe now wel þis resoun.
F.5.315KD.5.303¶ Hast þou in þyn purs quod he ony spyces fyȝne.
F.5.316KD.5.304I have peper & pyenys / quod she & a pound of gilloffris.
F.5.317KD.5.305& a ferthyng-worþ of fenel seed / for fastynge-dayes.
F.5.318KD.5.306A-non gooþ Glotoun in with hire / & grete oþis after.
F.5.319KD.5.307& fond Symme sowteres wif / syttynge on þe benche.
F.5.320KD.5.308& Watte Waryner also / & his wif bothe.
F.5.321KD.5.309& Tomme þe tynkere / & tweyn of hise prentyȝs.
F.5.322KD.5.310& hikke þe hakeney man / & howe þe nedlere.
F.5.323KD.5.311& Clarys of cokkyslane / with þe clerk of þe chirche.
F.5.324KD.5.312&F.5.324: Beta manuscripts lack the &. sire pers of prydye / & peronell
e of Flaundr
Beta manuscripts transpose these two lines.
F.5.325KD.5.313& Dawe þe dykere / & wel a doseyn oþere.
F.5.326KD.5.314A rybybour / a ratoner / & a rakyere of chepe.
F.5.327KD.5.315A Ropere & a
-kyng / &
Rose dissher
es dowht
F.5.327: Beta family manuscripts lack dowhter.
F.5.328KD.5.316& Godefrey / of Garlyngheþe / & Geffrey wasshere.
F.5.329KD.5.317& vp-holderys a gret heep / herly be þe Morwe.
F.5.330KD.5.318Þey geve Glotoun with glad chere / a galoun ale in honde.
F.5.342KD.5.331¶ Þanne hikke hosteler / hadde þe cloke.
F.5.343KD.5.332In connawnt þat Clement / sholdesholde [þe] cuppe fylle.
F.5.344KD.5.333& have hikkis hod hosteler / & holde hym a-payed.
F.5.345KD.5.334& who þat repentyd rathest / sholde ryse sone.
F.5.346KD.5.335& gretyn wel sire Glotoun / with a galoun ale.
F.5.347KD.5.336Þere was lawhyng / & lowryng / & let go þe cuppe.
F.5.348KD.5.338& setyn þere tyl evynsong / & sunge merye songis.
F.5.349KD.5.339Tyl Glotoun hadde y-glubbyd / a galoun & more.
F.5.350KD.5.340Þat hise guttys gunne to gowle / as a gredy sowe.
F.5.351KD.5.341I trowe he pissed a potel / in a pater noster whyle.
F.5.352KD.5.342& blewh his rownde rewet / at his regbonys ende.
F.5.353KD.5.343Þat al þe folk in þe hows / helden here nose after.
F.5.354KD.5.344& wysshed it were wypid / with a wips of fyrsen.
F.5.355KD.5.345He myghte not steppe ne stonde / er he a staf hadde.
F.5.356KD.5.346& þanne gan he goo lych / a glewh-mannys bycche.
F.5.357KD.5.347Sum-tyme he ȝeede o-syde / & hidirward & þydirward.
F.5.358KD.5.348As who þat leyþ lyȝnes / larkys to cacche.
F.5.359KD.5.349& whan he drowh to þe dore / þan dymmed hise eyȝen.
F.5.360KD.5.350& tripplidtrippid on þe threshold / & ouer-threwh to grownde.
F.5.361KD.5.351A-non Clement coblere / kawht hym in hise armes.
F.5.362KD.5.352For to lifte hy
m on
F.5.362: An otiose mark, shaped like an apostrophe, appears over <n>. loft / & leyȝde hy
m on hise knowis.
F.5.363KD.5.353But Glotoun was a gret cherl / & grim for to lyfte.
F.5.364KD.5.354& cowhed a potel cawhdel / in Clementis lappe.
F.5.365KD.5.355Þer is non so hungri hound / in al hertforde-shyre.
F.5.366KD.5.356Þat leste lape a lyte þerof / so loþly it smellide
F.5.367KD.5.357/ [¶] Þan with al þe wo in þe world / his wif & his wenche.
F.5.368KD.5.358Þey beren hym to his bed / & browhte hym þere-Inne.
F.5.369KD.5.359& after al þat exces / he hadde swich an accydie.
F.5.370KD.5.360Þat he sleep al Saturday / & Sunday tyl eve.
F.5.371KD.5.361& þanne a-waked he wroþly / & wypide hise eyȝen.
F.5.372KD.5.362& þe fyrste word þat he warp / was where is þe bolle.
F.5.373KD.5.363& wit gan edwyte hym / how wykkidly he wrouhte.
F.5.374KD.5.364& ryght so dede Repentance / he rebukyd hym þat tyme.
F.5.375KD.5.365Þou hast þoruhȝ word & werk / wrowht euele in þy lyve.
F.5.376KD.5.366I rede þou shryve þe & be a-shamed / & shewe it with þy mowþe.
e þ
at gome
Glotoun / y have gyltyd god ofte.
F.5.377: F omits "That I haue trespased with my tonge I kan not telle how ofte."
F.5.378KD.5.369& swor
e godd
is sowle & side
F.5.378: Beta manuscripts lack the phrase "& side." R reads "and his sydes." / & so help me god
F.5.378: Beta manuscripts have "god me help" for alpha's "help me god." & holy
F.5.379KD.5.370Þere þat no nede was / nyhȝne hundryd tyȝmes.
F.5.380KD.5.371I have ouer-seyn me at soper / & sum-tyme at noon melis.
F.5.381KD.5.372Þat y gert vp a-geyn / er y gan goon a myle.
F.5.382KD.5.373& ofte y
F.5.382: The interpretation y speld="I spilled" is less probable than the past participle. The same is true of y-drunke in the following line. . þ
at myghte be spared / & spend it on nedy.
F.5.383KD.5.374& ouer-delycatly on fastynge-dayes / y-drunke & etyn boþe.
F.5.384KD.5.375& sum-tyme sat so longe þere-at / y sleep & eet a tonesat ones.
F.5.385KD.5.376To heryn talis in tauernys / to drynke þe sunnere y wente.
F.5.386KD.5.377& ofte hyȝede to mete er noon / whan fastynge-dayes felle.
F.5.388KD.5.379/ [¶] & a-non gan Glotoun gretyn / & greet dool he maade.
F.5.389KD.5.380For his loþ lyþir lyf / þat he so lyvid hadde.
F.5.390KD.5.381& a-vowede to faste / for hungir & þryst boþe
F.5.391KD.5.382& seyde / shal neuere fyshȝ on fryday / defyen in my wombe.
F.5.392KD.5.383Tyl Abstynence myn awnte / haþ ȝove me good leve.
F.5.393KD.5.384& ȝit have y hated hire / In al my lyf-tyme.
F.5.394KD.5.385F.5.394: A space is left for an ornamental capital <T>. Hanne[T]hanne com
Slewthe be
ered / w
h two slymed eyȝes.
F.5.395KD.5.386I muste sytte seyde þe segge / or y shal ellis nappe.
F.5.396KD.5.387I may nowht stonde / ne stowpe / with-oute[ne] with-oute stool knele
F.5.397KD.5.388But where y browht i
n bedde / but my bely
F.5.397: F's bely is unique. Bx has tailende. it made.
F.5.398KD.5.389Sholde no rynggynge do me ryse / er y were rype to dyghne.
F.5.406KD.5.397¶ I have maad fourty a-vowes a teveat eve / & for-getyn hem on morwe.
F.5.407KD.5.398Ne y parformed neuere my penaunce / þat þe preest me Ioynede.
F.5.408KD.5.399Ne be sory for my synnys / ȝit soþly was y neuere.
F.5.409KD.5.400& if y bydde ony bedys / but it be in wratthe.
F.5.410KD.5.401Þat y telle with my tunge / it is two myle fram myn herte.
F.5.411KD.5.402I am ocupied eueryday / boþe halyday & oþere.
h ydyl talis at þe ale
F.5.412: An otiose curl appears over <a>. / & oþ
-whilis in chirche.
F.5.413KD.5.404On goddis peynys ne on his passioun / ful seelde y þynke.
F.5.414KD.5.405I vysityd seelde syke
F.5.414: The error occurred in alpha. The correct reading feble is attested in beta. me
n / or feteryd folk in p
F.5.415KD.5.406I hadde
F.5.415: Alpha reads past tense hadde for beta's haue. lever
e her
e harlot
riȝe / or seen a som
er game.
F.5.416KD.5.407Er lesyngis to lawhe of
F.5.416: Alpha reads of for beta's at. / or be
-lyȝe my
n evync
F.5.417KD.5.408& al þat euere seynt Mark made / or Mattheu . Iohan . or lucas.
F.5.418KD.5.409& vigilijs & fastyng-dayes / alle y leet hem passe.
F.5.419KD.5.410I lay in bedde in Lentene / & my lemman in myn armes.
F.5.420KD.5.411Tyl Matinis & Masses / be do / & y muste to þe freris
F.5.421KD.5.412But come y to Ite Missa est. I holde me wel y-seruyd.
F.5.422KD.5.413I am nowht shryve but selden / but seknesse it make.
F.5.423KD.5.414Nowht twyes in þe ȝeer / & þa
nne me þynkþ to sone.
F.5.423: F's b-verse is unique. Bx reads "and þanne vp gesse I shryue me."
F.5.424KD.5.415¶ I have be preest & Parsoun / passynge fourty wynter.
F.5.425KD.5.416& ȝit can y neyþir solue ne synge / ne seyntys lyvis rede.
F.5.426KD.5.417But y can fyȝnde in a fyȝld / of a furlong an hare.
F.5.427KD.5.418Bettre þan in Beatus vir / or in Beati omnes.
F.5.428KD.5.419To construe it clause
F.5.428: Beta reads "oon clause wel" for alpha's "it clause-meel." / & kenne it my p
F.5.429KD.5.420I can holde wel Lovedayes / or
F.5.429: Alpha reads or for beta's and. hery
n a Revis rekeny
F.5.430KD.5.421But in Canon ne in decretalis / y can not rede a lyȝne.
F.5.431KD.5.422& if y bygge or borwe / but it be wel y-taylid.
F.5.432KD.5.423I for-ȝeete it as ȝeerne / & if men me yt aske.
F.5.433KD.5.424Sixe sythis or sevene / y for-swere me with oþis.
F.5.434KD.5.425& þerwith y tene / trewe men / ten hundred tymys.
F.5.438KD.5.429¶ If ony doþ me a benefet / or helpiþ me at neede.
F.5.439KD.5.430A-geyn hym / y am vnkyȝnde / & kan not it knowe.
F.5.440KD.5.431For y have / & have had / summe of hawkys Manerys.
F.5.441KD.5.432For y am nowht lured with love / but sumwhat lygge vndir þumbe.
F.5.442KD.5.433¶ My
n kosyȝnes gret kyȝndenesse / kyddy
n to me fernere.
fernere, "in old times, long ago." Most B witnesses have the more transparent spelling fernȝere.
F.5.443KD.5.434Sixty syþis for slewhthe / y have for-gete it sytthe.
F.5.444KD.5.435& in sparynge of speche / y have spilt fele þyngys.
F.5.445KD.5.436Boþe fleshȝ & fysshȝ / & fele oþere vytaylis.
F.5.446KD.5.437As breed & beef & botere / & bake metys manyȝe.
F.5.447KD.5.438I have for-slewthid in my seruyse / so longe y haue kept yt.
F.5.451KD.5.441¶ Ȝee Repentest þe nowht quod Repentance / & ryght with þat he swonyde
F.5.452KD.5.442Tyl vigilate & orate / fette watur at hise eyȝen.
F.5.453KD.5.443& flappede on his face / & faste on hym cryȝede.
F.5.454KD.5.444& seyde war þe now fram wanhope / he wole þe be-trayȝe.
F.5.455KD.5.445I am sory for my synes / seyȝ now so þy-selue.
F.5.456KD.5.446& beete þy-selue on þy brest / & bidde god of grace.
F.5.457KD.5.447For þere is no gilte here so gret / þat goddis goodnesse is more.
F.5.458KD.5.448¶ Þanne sat slewte vp / & sygned hym on þe forhed.
F.5.459KD.5.449& made a
F.5.459: The phrase "made a vow vn-to god" is also possible here. vn
-to god / for his foule slewthe.
F.5.459: F omits the following line from Bx: "Shal no Sonday be þis seuen yer but siknesse it lette."
F.5.460KD.5.451Þat y shal do me euery day / to þe dernede[er]e chirche.
F.5.461KD.5.452& þer
e her
e Matinys & messe / as y a
nk wher
F.5.461: F omits the following line from Bx: "Shal noon ale after mete holde me þennes."
F.5.462KD.5.454Tyl y have euynsong herd / y hote now to þe roode.
F.5.463KD.5.455& what y have take . to ȝelde a
n / yf y so mychil welde.
F.5.463: Beta witnesses read "And yet wole I yelde ayein if I so much haue."
F.5.464KD.5.456Of al þat y so wykkidly wan / sytthe y wit hadde.
F.5.465KD.5.457& þeyhȝ my lyflode / lakke / lettyn þerfore y nylle.
F.5.466KD.5.458Þat ech man shal have hys / er y hens wende.
F.5.467KD.5.459& with þe oþir remnaunt / by þe Roode of chestre.
F.5.468KD.5.460I shal seken trewþe /
tryst[fyr]stF.5.468: It is not clear what the immediate scribe intended here. The likely explanation is that a scribe changed Bx's erst to synonymous fyrst which then was written in the metathetic form fryst from whence it was corrupted to nonsensical tryst. / er y seke
F.5.469KD.5.461¶ A-noon Robert þe Robbere / on reddite lokede.
F.5.470KD.5.462For he hadde nowht wher-of / he weep wondir sore.
F.5.471KD.5.463But þat synful shrewe / seyde þus to hym-selue.
F.5.472KD.5.464Whan þat cryst on Caluarie / vpon þe cros dyȝede.
F.5.473KD.5.465Þan dismas my brothir / by-sowhte crist of grace.
F.5.474KD.5.466& he hadde mercy on þat man / for memetomeme[n]to-is sake.
F.5.475KD.5.467So rewe on me Robbere / þat reddere wil[n]il knowe.
F.5.476KD.5.468Ne neu
ere weneþ to wynne / w
h craf þ
at y knowe.
F.5.476: Alpha and Cr read knowe for beta's owe.
F.5.477KD.5.469But for mychil m
ercy / su
m Mitigaciou
n me seende.
F.5.477: F omits Bx's "Ne dampne me noȝt at domesday for þat I dide so ille."
F.5.483KD.5.477¶ Thanne
Repentaunce hadde rewþe / & radde he
m all
eF.5.483: The red ink on <ll>, like that on shewe in 5.478, does not appear to be like the scribe's other intentional touches, but it is not blotted from the facing leaf. to knele.
F.5.484KD.5.478& be-sechen for alle synful / oure saviour of grace.
F.5.485KD.5.479& þat we a-mende vs of oure mys / & do mercy on vs alle.
F.5.486KD.5.480& seide god of þyn goodnesse / þou gunne þis world to make.
F.5.487KD.5.481& of nawht / madist awht / & man most lyk þy-selue.
F.5.488KD.5.482& sytthe þou suffredist hym synne / a sekirnesse seknesse to mankynde.
F.5.489KD.5.483& al for þe beste as y beleve / what-euere bookys euere telletelle
F.5.490KD.5.483αO Felix culpa ¶ O necessarium peccatum Ade.
F.5.491KD.5.484For þorghȝ synne þy sone / was sent doun in-to erthe.
F.5.492KD.5.485& by-cam man of a Maide / Mankyȝnde / to save.
F.5.493KD.5.486& madyst þy-selue with þyn sone / & vs synful y-lyche.
F.5.494KD.5.486αFaciamus hominem ad ymaginem & similitudinem nostram . Et alibi.
F.5.495KD.5.486βQui manet in caritate in deo manet & deus in eo.
F.5.496KD.5.487& sytthe with þyn selue sone / in oure sewht þou dyedist
F.5.497KD.5.488On good fryday / for mannis sake / at ful tyme of þe day.
F.5.498KD.5.489Neyþir þy-selue ne þy sone / no sorwe in dyȝeng feledist.
F.5.499KD.5.490But in our
F.5.499: Bx reads oure secte. . was þ
F.5.499: Alpha reads þat for beta's þe. sorwe / & þy
n sone yt ladde.
F.5.500KD.5.490αCaptiuam duxit captiuitatem.
F.5.501KD.5.491Þe sunne for sorwe þerof / he lees syghte for a tyme.
F.5.502KD.5.492A-bowhtyn Mydday / whan most lyȝt ys / & meel-tyme of seyntis.
F.5.503KD.5.493Þo feddyst þou with þy fresche blood / oure fadrys in derknesse.
F.5.504KD.5.493αPopulus qui ambulatambula[ba]t in tenebris . uidit lucem magnam.
F.5.505KD.5.494& þorwh þat lyght þat leep fram the / lucyfer blente.
F.5.506KD.5.495For it blew alle þyne blessede þens / boldely in-to paradyȝs.
F.5.507KD.5.496& þe þrydde day after ȝit / þou ȝeedyst forþ in oure sewte.
F.5.508KD.5.497Fyrst a synful Marie þe see / er dede þy moodir dere.
F.5.508: F's b-verse is unique. Bx reads "er seynte Marie þi dame."
F.5.509KD.5.498It was to solace synful / þou suffredist it so falle.
F.5.510KD.5.498αNon veni uocare iustos . sed peccatores ad penitenciam.
F.5.511KD.5.499& al of the[þat] / Mark haþ maad / & Mattheu / Iohan & Lucas.
F.5.512KD.5.500Of þyne dowhtyeste dedis / where don in oure armes.
F.5.513KD.5.500αQuod uerbum caro factum est . & habitabithabita[v]it in nobis.
F.5.514KD.5.501& by so myche / it
F.5.514: Alpha reads it for beta's me. semeþ / þe
sykeresyk[er]ere to styȝe to hevene.
F.5.515KD.5.502We byddyn þe / & by-sechyn / If so / it be þy wille.
F.5.516KD.5.503As þou fadir & brothir art / be mercyable on þyn peple.
F.5.517KD.5.504& have m
F.5.517: Alpha is in error. Beta manuscripts preserve authorial ruþe. on þese rybawdys / þ
at repenten hem sore.
F.5.518KD.5.505Þat euer
e ȝit þey wratthid þe
F.5.415: Alpha is responsible for the loss of "in this world." The error is shared by G. / In word / þowht / or dede.
F.5.523KD.5.510/ [¶] Wel a þowsende men þo / þrungyn alle to-gydres.
F.5.524KD.5.511& criȝeden vp-warde to crist / & to hys clene Modir.
F.5.525KD.5.512To graunte swich grace / trewthe to seken.
F.5.526KD.5.513But þere was non so wyȝs / þe weyȝe to hym cowthe.
F.5.527KD.5.514But blustreden furþ as beestis / ouer balkys & hillis.
F.5.528KD.5.515Tyl it was late & longe / þat þey a leede mettyn.
F.5.529KD.5.516I-paraylid as a palmere / in pylgrimes wedys.
F.5.530KD.5.517He bar a burdoun y-bownde / with a brood lyste.
F.5.531KD.5.518In a whythyeswyth[wynd]es wyse / ywownde al a-bowte.
F.5.532KD.5.519& a bulle
F.5.532: bulle, "bowl." in a bagge / he bar by his syȝde.
F.5.533KD.5.520& an hundred of ampullis / vpon his hat setyn.
F.5.534KD.5.521& fele sygnes of seyntys / & shellis also of Galis.
F.5.535KD.5.522& many a crowch on his cloke / w
h þe
F.5.535: Alpha is responsible for adding unmetrical þe. Bx has and for F's with þe. keyȝes of
F.5.536KD.5.523& þe vernicle was by-fore / for folk sholde hym knowe.
F.5.537KD.5.524& seen by hise syghnes / whom he sowht hadde.
F.5.538KD.5.525¶ Thanne þis folk freynede hym / whens þat he keme.
F.5.539KD.5.526Fram þe
sepulcre he seyde / & fram
synay hyȝe hill
F.5.539: Bx reads "From Synay he seide and fram oure lordes Sepulcre." We could have easily transcribed the last word in the line as
hille, since the barred double <ll> is ambiguous in this hand.
F.5.540KD.5.527I have been boþe in Bedleem / & in Babylonye also.
F.5.541KD.5.528In Armonye in Alysaundre / & manye oþire places.
F.5.542KD.5.529Ȝee may seen by myn syghnes / þat syttyn on my cloke.
F.5.543KD.5.530Þat y have walkid wyȝde / in weet & in dreyȝe.
F.5.544KD.5.531& holy seyntis sowht / for my sowle helthe.
F.5.550KD.5.537¶ Peter quod Pers Plowhman / & pitte furþ his face.
F.5.551KD.5.538I knowe hym as kyȝndely / as ony clerk hise bookis.
F.5.552KD.5.539Consiense & kyȝnde wit / kende me to his place.
F.5.553KD.5.540& y haue ensured hem sewrly / to seruyn hym / for euere.
F.5.554KD.5.541Boþe to sowe & to sette / whil y swynke myghte.
F.5.555KD.5.542I have ben his foot folwere / al þis fourty wynter
F.5.556KD.5.543Boþe y-sowed hise seedis / & sewyd a-bowtyn hise beestis.
F.5.557KD.5.544& with-Inne boþe && with-outyn / waytid his profyȝte.
F.5.558KD.5.545& boþe diggid & deluyd / & dyde þ
at he me comau
F.5.558: F's me comaundid is unique.
Bx reads hoteþ. F omits the following lines from Bx:
Som tyme I sowe and some tyme I þresshe
In taillours craft and tynkeris craft what truþe kan deuyse
I weue and I wynde and do what truþe hoteþ.
The error had occurred before the immediate scribe's stint, since it was the result of eye-skip from Bx's hoteþ in 5.558. That had to have occurred before the substitution of comaundide for hoteþ.
F.5.559KD.5.549For þeyh y sey it my-selue / y serue hym to payȝe.
F.5.560KD.5.550& y haue myn here of hym / & oþir-whilis moore.
F.5.561KD.5.551He is þe presteste payȝere / þat poore men knowen.
F.5.562KD.5.552He w
hhalt no ma
nF.5.562: R's men suggests that the error is in alpha. Beta witnesses preserve correctly alliterating hewe. his hyȝr
e / þ
at þey haue it soone.
F.5.562: F's b-verse is unique. R reads "þat þei ne haue it anone." Beta reads "þat he ne haþ at euen."
F.5.563KD.5.553& he is as lowhly as a lomb / & lovely of speche.
F.5.564KD.5.554& if ȝe wilneþ to wete / where þat he dwellyþ.
F.5.565KD.5.555I shal wysse ȝow witterly / þe weyȝe to his place.
F.5.572KD.5.561/ [¶] Ȝee mote goon / be Meeknesse / boþe men & wyvis.
F.5.573KD.5.562Tyl ȝee come to consience / cryst whot þe soþe.
F.5.574KD.5.563& þat ȝee loven oure lord god / levest of alle þynge.
F.5.575KD.5.564& þanne ȝoure neyhebore neest / & in no wyse a-peyre hym.
F.5.576KD.5.565Oþirwyse / þan þou woldist / he wroghte to þy-selue.
F.5.577KD.5.566& beende forþ be a brook / be buxu
m of þy
nF.5.577: Alpha is responsible for þyn, omitted by beta. speche.
F.5.578KD.5.567Tyl ȝee fyȝnde a forthe . ȝoure fadres ȝee honoure.
F.5.579KD.5.567αHonora patrem & matrem . ut sis longeuus super terram.F.5.579: F uniquely completes the Latin verse after matrem.
F.5.580KD.5.568Wadiþ in-to þat water / & wasshe ȝow wel þer-Inne.
F.5.581KD.5.569& ȝee shulle lepe þe lythlokere / al ȝoure lyf-tyme.
F.5.582KD.5.570& sone shalt þou see swere nowht / but it be for nede.
F.5.583KD.5.571Ne nempne not in ydelnesse / þe name of god almyghty.
F.5.584KD.5.572& þanne shalt þou come be a croft / but com þou nowt þere-Inne.
F.5.585KD.5.573Þe name ys coueyte þou nowht / neyþir maydins ne wyvis.
F.5.586KD.5.574Ne no
n of her
e s
ntys / ne no þy
ng to hy
m longiþ.
F.5.586: F's b-verse is unique. Bx has "þat noyen hem myȝte."
F.5.587KD.5.575Ne noyȝhe not hise bestis / neyþ
ir bollokys ne oþer
F.5.587: Bx reads "Loke ye breke no bowes þere but if it be youre owene."
F.5.588KD.5.576Two stokkis þere stondyn / but stynte ȝee not þere.
F.5.589KD.5.577Þat is stele not ne sle not / ȝee strike furþ by boþe.
F.5.590KD.5.578& leve hem on þy left hond / & loke not on hem after.
F.5.591KD.5.579Þat is / holde wel þyn halyday / with holy prayeris.
F.5.592KD.5.580Þan shalt þou blenche at a beech / þou bere no fals witnesse
-syde is a fair
e fyld / fals flat
e ys þe name.
F.5.593: This line appears only in F.
F.5.594KD.5.581It ys frytthid with floreynys / & oþire fees manye.
F.5.595KD.5.582Loke ȝee
F.5.595: Alpha reads ȝee for beta's þow. plukke no plante þ
erof / for p
ereyl of þe heyward.
F.5.595: F omitted the following lines from Bx:
Thanne shul ye see seye sooþ so it be to doone
In no manere ellis noȝt for no mannes biddyng.
F.5.596KD.5.585¶ Thanne shalt þou come to a court / as cleer as þe sunne.
F.5.597KD.5.586Þe Moot is of mercy / with Maryȝs al a-bowte.
F.5.598KD.5.587& alle þe wallis ben of wit / to holde wille owte.
F.5.599KD.5.588& y-kerneled with cristendom / mankynde to save.
F.5.600KD.5.589I-boterased with good by-leve / or þou best not savid.
F.5.601KD.5.590& alle þe howsis ben y-helid / hyȝe halles & chambres
F.5.602KD.5.591With no leed / but with love / & with lowhȝ speche also.
F.5.603KD.5.592Þe bregge is . bydde wel / þe betre may þou spede.
F.5.604KD.5.593Þe pilerys hatte Penaunce / & prayeris to seyntys.
F.5.605KD.5.594Þe hokys ben almese dede / þe gate god hym-selue.
F.5.606KD.5.595& grace hatte þe gateward / a good man for-soþe.
F.5.607KD.5.596& his ma
n hatte / a
nde ȝow / many
F.5.607: Alpha omits beta's for before many. ma
n hy
m know
F.5.608KD.5.597/ [¶] Telle ȝee hym þis tokne / trewþe knoweth þe sothe.
F.5.609KD.5.598Þat y parformede þe penaunce / þe prest me en-Ioynede.
F.5.610KD.5.599& am sory of
F.5.610: Alpha reads of for beta's for. my
n sy
nnys / & so y shal ben euere.
F.5.610: F omitted the following line from Bx: "Whan I þynke þeron þeiȝ I were a Pope."
F.5.611KD.5.601& byddeþ / a-mende ȝow / mekely / to his mayster praye.
F.5.612KD.5.602To weyve vp þe wyket / þat þe womman shette.
F.5.613KD.5.603After þat adam & Eve / eetyn þe appil vnrostyd.
F.5.614KD.5.603αPer evam cuntiscun[c]tis clausa est . & per mariam virginem iterum &c.F.5.614: Alpha has "iterum &c." for "patefacta est."
F.5.615KD.5.604For she haþ þe keyȝe & kleket / þeyhȝ þe kyng slepe.
F.5.615: F omits the following line from Bx: "And if grace graunte þee to go in þis wyse."
F.5.616KD.5.606Þan shalt þou see þy-selue / where þat trewþe syttyþ.
F.5.617KD.5.607In a chambre of charite / as he a child were.
F.5.618KD.5.608To suffre ony seyȝeng / & do þy syrys wille.
F.5.619KD.5.609¶ But be war of wratthe / he is a wikkid shrewe.
F.5.620KD.5.610He haþ Envie to hym / þat in þyn herte syttyþ.
F.5.621KD.5.611& pokeþ
F.5.621: Alpha is in error, omitting forth after pokeþ. p
ride p
riuyly / to preyse wel þy
F.5.622KD.5.612& þe boldenesse of þyn benefetys / make þe blynd þanne.
F.5.623KD.5.613& worþ þou dryve owt / & þe dore y-closed.
F.5.624KD.5.614& keyȝed & klekedid / to kepyn þe with-outyn.
F.5.625KD.5.615Happyly an hundryd wynter / er þou eft in entre.
F.5.626KD.5.616Þus myght þou lesen his love / to lete wel by þi-selue.
F.5.627KD.5.617& neuere happely eft entre / but his grace þou have.
F.5.628KD.5.618/ [¶] But þere are seuene seruauntys / þat seruyn Trewþe euere.
F.5.629KD.5.619Þey ben porterys at þe ȝatys / þat to his place longiþ.
F.5.630KD.5.620Þe firste ys abstynense / & humilite ys a-noþir.
F.5.631KD.5.621& Charite & Chastite / þese been hise chef chyldryn.
F.5.632KD.5.622& Pacience & pees / mychil peple þey helpen.
F.5.633KD.5.623& largenesse þat
lady / s
leteþ out
F.5.633: The redactor, seeing out in the following line, attempted to harmonize the two b-verses to the detriment of the larger sense of the passage. Such
a scribal reversal occurs in other contexts, e.g. helle for heuene in F2.109. ful
F.5.634KD.5.624She haþ delyueryd a þowsende / owt of þe deuelys ponfolde.
F.5.635KD.5.625& she is neyȝh-by sibbe þe[to] þe sevene / so me god helpe.
F.5.636KD.5.626& she wille worchepely wolkome ȝow / & wel ȝow vndirfonge.
F.5.637KD.5.627& but ȝee ben sybbe / quod pers / to summe of þese sevene.
F.5.638KD.5.628It ys hard / by myn heed / for ony of ȝow alle.
F.5.639KD.5.629To getyn in passage . at ony gate / but grace be þe moore.
F.5.644KD.5.634/ [¶] Ȝys . ȝis quod pers plowhman / & pokede hem to goode.
F.5.645KD.5.635Þere a[is] a Mayde þere / Mercy / she haþ myght ouer hem alle.
F.5.646KD.5.636She ys sybbe to synful / & so ys hire sone also.
F.5.647KD.5.637& þorghȝ þe helpe of hem two / hope þou non oþir.
F.5.648KD.5.638Þou myght getyn grace þere / by so þou goo by-tymes.
F.5.661KD.6.9¶ Summe shulle sowe þe sak / quod Pers / for shedyng of whete.
F.5.662KD.6.10& ȝee lovely Ladijs / with ȝoure longe fyngrys.
F.5.663KD.6.11Loke ȝee have sylk & syndel / to sowe / whan it ys tyme.
F.5.664KD.6.12To make Chesyplis for Chapeleins / chirchis to honoure.
F.5.665KD.6.13& ȝee wyvis & wydewis / wulle / & flex ȝee spynne.
F.5.666KD.6.14/ [¶]& Makeþ cloþ y conseyle ȝow / & kenneþ so ȝoure dowhtris.
F.5.667KD.6.15Þe nedy & þe nakede / nemeþ hede how þey lyggyn.
F.5.668KD.6.16& casteþ on hem cloþis / & so comaundiþ ȝow trewþe.
F.5.669KD.6.17For y shal lene hem lyflode / but if myn londe fayle.
F.5.670KD.6.17.1Boþe fleshȝ & breed / to ryche & to poore.
F.5.671KD.6.18As longe as y lyve / for þe lordis love in hevene.
F.5.672KD.6.19& alle manere of men / þat with mete & drynk lybbyn
F.5.673KD.6.20Shulle helpe to wirche wyghtly / to wynne with ȝoure fode.
F.5.680KD.6.27¶ In connaunt / þat holy chirche / þou kepe / as þy-selue.
F.5.681KD.6.28Fram wastoures & wikkyd men / þat þis world stroyȝeþ.
F.5.682KD.6.29& goo þou hunte hardely / to hares / & to foxes.
F.5.683KD.6.30& to bawsynes & boores / b
ut breke þ
ou none heggys.
F.5.683: F's reading is unique. Bx reads "To bores and to brokkes þat breken adown myn hegges."
F.5.684KD.6.31& go a-fayte þy fakonys / whilde foul to kelle.
F.5.685KD.6.32For þei come in-to my croft / & cropyþ my whete.
F.5.686KD.6.33/ [¶] Þanne þe knyght curteysly / comsede þese wordys.
F.5.687KD.6.34By my powher Pers quod he y plyghte þe my trewþe.
F.5.688KD.6.35To fulfylle þis forward / þeyhȝ y fyghte sholde.
F.5.689KD.6.36& as longe asas [y] lyve in londe / y shal þe Meyntene.
F.5.690KD.6.37¶ But .o. poynt quod Pers / y praye þe of more.
F.5.691KD.6.38Loke þou tene no tenaunt / but trewþe wille a-sente.
F.5.692KD.6.39& þeyȝh þou mayst angre men / let Mercy be taxour.
F.5.693KD.6.40& Meeknesse þy Mayster / Mawgre Meedis chekys.
F.5.694KD.6.41& þeyhȝ poore men profere þe / presentys & ȝiftys.
F.5.695KD.6.42Nyme he
m nawht in awnt
er / þ
F.5.695: Alpha has þou for beta's ye. maist not yt disserue.
F.5.696KD.6.43For þou shalt ȝeelde yt a-ȝeen / at o ȝerys ende.
F.5.697KD.6.44Al in a parlyous place / purgatorye men name it.
F.5.698KD.6.45Ne mys
-bede not þy bonde
F.5.698: Alpha and Hm have singular man for beta's men. The same variants appear in C, but A manuscripts agree in the plural form. / þe bettr
e shalt þ
ou spede.
F.5.699KD.6.46Þeyhȝ he be here . þyn vndirlyng / wel may happe in heuene.
F.5.700KD.6.47Þat he worþ worthiere set / þan þou / & in wel more blysse.
F.5.701KD.6.47α Amice ascende superius
F.5.702KD.6.48For i
n a
F.5.702: Alpha is responsible for a, a reading shared by Hm. chapel
F.5.702: F's reading is unique. R has chanel, leaving the <r> out of Bx's Charnel. or i
n a chirche / a clerk
F.5.702: Alpha substituted clerkes for original cherles. F uniquely has "a clerk." is evel to knowe.
F.5.703KD.6.49So is a knyght þere fram a knave / knowe þis in þyn herte.
F.5.704KD.6.50But loke þ
ou be t
rewe of tu
F.5.704: Alpha lacks beta's þi before tunge. / & talis þ
at þ
ou hate.
F.5.705KD.6.51& by wysdom & by wit / þy werkmen þou chastyze.
F.5.706KD.6.52& holde not
F.5.706: Alpha is responsible for the double negative. Beta witnesses lack not. w
h none harlotis / ne heer
e not her
e talis.
F.5.707KD.6.53& namely at þy mete bord / swiche men ecchewe.
F.5.708KD.6.54For þey ben þe deuelis dissoures / y do þe to vndirstonde.
F.5.711KD.6.57/ [¶] & y shal a-parayle me quod Pers / in pylgrymes wyse.
F.5.712KD.6.58& y wylle wende with ȝow / tyl þat we fyȝnde trewþe
F.5.713KD.6.59I wil castyn on myn cloþis / y-clowtyd at þe fulle.
F.5.714KD.6.60Myn kokerys & myn coffys / for cold of myn naylys.
F.5.715KD.6.61& y wille hangyn myn hoper / at myn hals / as i hadde a scrippe.
F.5.716KD.6.62& a busshel of bred-corn / y wil bere þere-Inne.
F.5.717KD.6.63For y wille soowe it my-selue / & sytthe with ȝow wende.
F.5.718KD.6.64On pilgrimagis as palmeris doon / pardoun to have.
F.5.719KD.6.65But who þat helpiþ me to heryȝe / or sowe er y wende.
F.5.720KD.6.66He shal have leve by oure lord / to large his heruest heere.
F.5.721KD.6.67& make hym meryȝe þer-myde / mawgre who grucche.
F.5.724KD.6.70/ [¶] Save
Iakke Iogelour
F.5.724: An otiose curl appears above <g>. / &
Ionete at þe styvis.
F.5.724: Alpha and Bo have the form styvis rather than beta's stuwes. See MED, s. v. stive n.(1), and steu(e) n.(2).
F.5.725KD.6.71& Danyel þe dyȝs pleyȝere / & denote þe bawhde.
F.5.726KD.6.72& also frere faytour / & mo folk of his ordre.
F.5.727KD.6.73& Robyn Rybawdour / for hise rusty wordis.
F.5.728KD.6.74For trewþe tolde me onys / & bad me telle after.
F.5.729KD.6.75Deleantur de libro viuencium / I sholde not with hem deyle.
F.5.730KD.6.76For holy chirche / is holde / of hem no tyþe to take.
F.5.731KD.6.76αQuia cum iustis non scribantur / in þe registr
e in hevene.
F.5.731: F uniquely adds an English b-verse after the Latin text.
F.5.732KD.6.77Þey ben skapid good awnter / now god hem a-mende.
F.5.741KD.6.86-87¶ In dei nomine amen / god shal have my
n soule.
Alpha two lines here appear in beta witnesses as three. Beta reads as follows:
In dei nomine amen I make it myselue
He shal haue my soule þat best haþ deserued
And fro þe fend it defende for so I bileue.
F.5.742KD.6.87-88Þat best ys worthy / & weyvid fram yt þe fendis.
F.5.743KD.6.89Tyl y come to hise a
-cowntys / as my crede
F.5.743: Alpha lacks beta's me after crede. F's spelliþ is unique. Bx has telleþ. spelliþ.
F.5.743: F omitted the following line from Bx: "To haue relees and remission on þat rental I leue."
F.5.744KD.6.91& þe kyrke-ȝeerd shal kepe / myn kareyne & myn boonys.
F.5.745KD.6.92For of myn corn & catel / þe kirke crauede þe tythe.
F.5.746KD.6.93&& [y] peyȝede it trewly to þe preest / for pereil of my soule.
F.5.747KD.6.94For-þy he is holde as y hope / to have me in his messe.
F.5.748KD.6.95& menge me in his Memento / a-mongys alle cristene.
F.5.749KD.6.96/ [¶] & my wif shal have of þat y wan / with trewþe & no moore.
F.5.750KD.6.97& dele it among hire dowhtris / & myn dere childryn.
F.5.751KD.6.98For truly þey dyȝede[y] dyȝede to-day / myn dettys ben alle qwitte.
F.5.752KD.6.99I bar hoom þat y borwede / er y to bedde wente.
F.5.753KD.6.100¶ & with þe resydue of þe remenaunt / be þe Roode of lukys.
F.5.754KD.6.101I wille worchepe þerwith / trewþe by my lyve.
F.5.755KD.6.102& been his pylgryȝm / at þe plowhȝ / for poore mennys sake.
F.5.756KD.6.103My plowhȝ-pote ys my pyȝk-staf / þat pittyþ a-wey þe rootys.
F.5.757KD.6.104& helpiþ my cultre to kerue / & to klense þe furwis.
F.5.758KD.6.105¶ Now ys Pers & þe pilgrymes / to þe plowhȝ y-faren.
F.5.759KD.6.106To heryȝen his half acre / þere hulpene hym manye.
F.5.760KD.6.107Boþe dykerys & deluerys / dyggedyn vp þe balkys.
F.5.761KD.6.108& with hem was Pers wel payed / & preyȝsede hem faste.
F.5.765KD.6.112¶ Þanne at heyȝ prime pers / leet his plowhȝ stoonde.
F.5.766KD.6.113& wente to seen hise werk-men / how þat þey wroghte.
F.5.767KD.6.114He wolde heren hem / þere-after / wan hervest tyme keme.
F.5.768KD.6.115Þanne fond he summe syttyn / & synge at þe alehous.
F.5.769KD.6.116& hulpen hym so to heryȝe / with hoy trolly / lolly.
F.5.770KD.6.116.1Þat þey filly
n flat on þe floor / so feyþfully þey swonke.
F.5.770: This line appears only in F.
F.5.771KD.6.117/ [¶] Now be myn sowlis pereyl quod Pers / in pure gret tene.
F.5.772KD.6.118But ȝee a-ryse þe rathere / & rape ȝow to wyrche.
F.5.773KD.6.119Shal no greyn þat groweth / glade ȝow / at ȝoure neede.
F.5.774KD.6.120& þeyȝ ȝee dyȝen for dool / þe devil have hym þat recche.
F.5.775KD.6.121Þo wheryn Faytoures a-ferd / & feynede hem blyȝnde
F.5.776KD.6.122¶ Summe leyȝde here leggys swolle / as sum loselys vsen.
F.5.777KD.6.123& maden here moone to Pers / & prayede hym of grace.
F.5.778KD.6.124& seyde / we have no lymes to laboure / oure Lord do vus boote.
F.5.779KD.6.125But we praye for ȝow Pers / & for ȝoure plowhȝ-men boþe.
F.5.780KD.6.126Þat god of his grete grace / ȝoure greyn multyplyȝe.
F.5.781KD.6.127& ȝeelde ȝow / ȝoure almesse-dede / þat ȝee ȝeve vus heere.
F.5.782KD.6.128For we mowe not swynke / swich syknesse vs holdeþ
F.5.783KD.6.129/ [¶] If it be soþ quod Pers / þat ȝee seyn / y shal it sone a-spyȝe.
F.5.784KD.6.130Þat ȝee ben wastoures y whot wel / & trewþe whot þe soþe.
F.5.785KD.6.131& y am his olde hyȝne / & by-hyȝhte hym to warne.
F.5.786KD.6.132Whiche þey wheryn in þis world / his werk wolde a-peyre.
F.5.787KD.6.133For ȝee wasten þat men wynnyn / with trauayle & with teene.
F.5.788KD.6.134But trewþe shal teche ȝow / his teeme to dryve.
F.5.789KD.6.135Or ȝee shulle etyn barly breed / & of þe brook drynke.
F.5.793KD.6.139/ [¶] But ȝee myghte trauayle trewly / & take meete & hyȝre.
F.5.794KD.6.140To kepen keen in þe fyld / or corn fram þe beestys.
F.5.795KD.6.141Or dyken or deluyn / or dyggyn vp rootys.
F.5.796KD.6.142Or helpyn makyn morter / or leedyn muk on filde.
F.5.797KD.6.143& nowht to lyve in Leccheryȝe / ne in Losengryȝe & slowþe.
F.5.798KD.6.144It is suffraunce of god / þat vengaunnce ȝowȝow [ne] takeþ.
F.5.806KD.6.152/ [¶] Þan gan a wastowr wexe wrothȝ / & wolde fayn a fowhte.
F.5.807KD.6.153& to Pers Plowhman / he proferede / his glove.
F.5.808KD.6.154& w
h hy
m cam a braggere / & a
F.5.808: a, "he." boostide Pers also.
F.5.809KD.6.155& bad hy
m goo pisse on
F.5.809: Alpha has on for beta's with. his plowh / for
-pynede shrewe.
F.5.810KD.6.156& seyde wilt þou . pers / oo[r] nyltou / we wille have oure wille.
F.5.811KD.6.157& þy flour & þyn fleshȝ / we fecche whan vs lykeþ.
F.5.812KD.6.158& make vs meryȝe þer-myde / mawgre / þyn chekys.
F.5.820KD.6.167¶ I was not wont quod he / to wirche / ne y wil not now by-gynne.
F.5.821KD.6.168& leet lyghtly of þe lawe / & lasse of his speche.
F.5.822KD.6.169& sette also pers at a pese / & his plowhȝ boþe.
F.5.823KD.6.170& þrette Pers & hise men / yf þey mettyn eft-sone.
F.5.824KD.6.171/ [¶] Quod pers / be þe pereyl of my
n sowle / y shal a
e ȝou all
eF.5.824: F omits the following line from Bx: "And houped after hunger þat herde hym at þe firste."
F.5.825KD.6.173& a-wreke me of þese wastoures / þat þis world shende
F.5.826KD.6.174Sone hungir in haste þo / hente wastour by þe maw
F.5.827KD.6.175& wrong hym so by þe wombe / þat boþe hise eyȝes watrede
F.5.828KD.6.176& he buffetid so þe braggere / a-bowhtyn boþe hise chekis.
F.5.829KD.6.177Þat he loked lyȝk a lanterne horn / al his lyve after.
F.5.830KD.6.178He beet hem so boþe / he brast neer here guttys.
F.5.844KD.6.191¶ Þanne blynde men & beddredide / where butned a þowsande
F.5.845KD.6.192Þat setyn to begge syluer / sone weryn they helyde.
F.5.846KD.6.193For þat was bakyn for bayard / was boote þe[to] þe hungry.
F.5.847KD.6.194& many a beggere for benys / ful bown was to swynke.
F.5.848KD.6.195& ech pore man wel payd / to have pesys to heere.
F.5.849KD.6.196& what Pers prayede hem doo as preest . as a sparhawk.
F.5.850KD.6.197& þerfore wex Pers prowd / & pitte hem to werke.
F.5.851KD.6.198& gaf hem as he myghte mete / & mesurable hyȝre.
F.5.852KD.6.199¶ Þanne hadde Pers pite / & prayede hungir to wende.
F.5.853KD.6.200Hoom to his owne hold / & holde hym stylle þere.
F.5.854KD.6.201For y am wel a-wreke now / on wastoures þis tyȝme.
F.5.855KD.6.202But y praye þe er þou passe / quod Pers þo to hungir.
F.5.856KD.6.203Of beggerys & of bydderys / what is best to doone.
F.5.857KD.6.204For y whoot wel . be þou went / þey wille wirche ful ille.
F.5.858KD.6.205For myscheef it makeþ / þey been so meeke nowthe.
F.5.859KD.6.206& for de-fawhte of foode / þys folk ys at my wille.
F.5.860KD.6.207Þey are my bretheryn of blood quod Pers / for crist bowhte vs alle.
F.5.861KD.6.208Trewþe tawhte me onys / to love hem ecchone.
F.5.862KD.6.209& to helpe hem of alle þynge / ay as hem neediþ.
F.5.863KD.6.210& nowh wolde y wete of þe / what were þe beste.
F.5.864KD.6.211How y myghte a-maystrie hem / & maken hem to wirche.
F.5.865KD.6.212¶ Now here wel me quod Hungir / & holde it for a wisdom.
F.5.866KD.6.213Þat bolde beggeris & bygge / þat for here breed mowe swynke.
F.5.867KD.6.214With howndis breed & horse-breed / hold vp here hertys.
F.5.868KD.6.215& a-bate hem with beenys / for bolnynge of here whombis.
F.5.869KD.6.216& if þo goomes grucche / bidde hym goo & swynke.
F.5.869: Alpha omitted the following line attested by beta manuscripts: "And he shal soupe swetter whan he it haþ deserued."
F.5.870KD.6.218& if þ
ou fyȝnde ony freek / þ
FalseF.5.870: R reads falshed, suggesting that F's reading is owed to alpha. Beta witnesses read Fortune, as did A. C, however, has fals men. haþ a
F.5.870: F's reading is unique. Bx reads apeired.
F.5.871KD.6.219Or ony manere of false men / fonde þou swiche to knowe.
F.5.872KD.6.220With þy catel knowe þou hem / for cristis love in hevene.
F.5.873KD.6.221Love hem / & leene hem / for goddis lawe so techiþ.
F.5.874KD.6.221α Alter alterius / honera portate
F.5.875KD.6.222& alle oþere manere of men / þat þou myght a-spyȝe.
F.5.876KD.6.223Þat needy ben / & nowhty / help hem / with þyn goodis.
F.5.877KD.6.225Love hem / & lakke hem nowht / lete god take vengaunce.
F.5.878KD.6.226& if þey don evil a-geyn þe / lete god / with hem worthe.
F.5.879KD.6.226α Michi vindictam / et ego retribuam
F.5.880KD.6.227& if þou wilt gete grace of god / do as þe gospel techeþ.
F.5.881KD.6.228Þou loowe þe / to lowe men / & so shalt þou lacche grace.
F.5.882KD.6.228α Facite vobis amicos de Mammona iniquitatis
F.5.883KD.6.229I wolde not greve god quod Pers / for al þe good on grownde.
F.5.884KD.6.230Myghte y synneles don as þou seyst / so me god helpe.
F.5.885KD.6.231¶ I hoote to god / quod hunger / ȝis or ellis þe byble lyȝeþ.
F.5.886KD.6.232Goo to Genesis / þe Geaunt / engendrowr of vs alle.
F.5.887KD.6.233He seyþ in swoot & in swynk / þou shalt þy foode wynne.
F.5.888KD.6.234& Laboure for þi lyf-loode / & so oure lord þe hyghte.
F.5.892KD.6.238¶ Seynt Matthew / with mannys face / mowthiþ þese wordis.
seruus nequam hadde a man / þ
at wolde nout chaffare.
F.5.893: Alpha had changed mnam to man, and F further revises the line to make this spurious man the antecedent of þat by omitting Bx's he.
F.5.894KD.6.240& he mawgre of his mayster / for euere-moore after.
F.5.895KD.6.241& he by-nam hym his napm / for he wolde not wirche.
F.5.896KD.6.242& ȝaf it to a-noþir man / þat ten napmes hadde.
F.5.897KD.6.243& with þat dede he seyȝde / þat alle men it herde.
F.5.901KD.6.247¶ For kende wolde / þat euery wyght wroghte
F.5.902KD.6.248In dykynge or in deluynge / or doynge in prayeris.
F.5.903KD.6.249Eiþir Contemplatif lyf or actif / crist coueytyde we wroughte.
Sawhter seyþ in a
F.5.904: Alpha has a for beta's þe. spalm /
F.5.904: A second virgule appears to have been partially erased. In
beati omnes.
F.5.905KD.6.251Þe freeke þat feediþ hym-selue / with his feyȝþful labour.
F.5.906KD.6.252He ys blessid be þe book / in body & in sowle.
F.5.907KD.6.252α Labores manuum tuarum quia manducabis . batusb[e]atus es &c..
F.5.908KD.6.253¶ Ȝit y praye þe quod Pers / pur charite & þou cunne.
F.5.909KD.6.254Of ony leef of leche-craft / leere it me y praye.
F.5.910KD.6.255For summe of myn seruauntis / & my-selue boþe.
F.5.911KD.6.256Of alle þe wyke / wirke nowht / so oure whombe akeþ.
F.5.912KD.6.257¶ A y whot wel quod hungir / what syȝknesse ȝow eyȝleþ.
F.5.913KD.6.258Ȝee have Mawngid ouer-myche / & þat makþ ȝow grone.
F.5.914KD.6.259But y hote þe quod hungir / if þou þyn hele disyryst.
F.5.915KD.6.260Þat þou drynke no day / er þou dyghne a mussel.
F.5.916KD.6.261Ne ete nowht y hoote þe / er hungir þe take.
F.5.917KD.6.262& brynge þe of his saws / to savoure þyn lyppis.
F.5.918KD.6.263& keep sum / tyl soper / but sitte þou nowht longe.
F.5.919KD.6.264But a-ryse vp er apetyȝt / have loost al his strengþe.
F.5.920KD.6.265But lete not sire surfet / syttyn at þyn table.
F.5.921KD.6.266Leeve hym / for he is leccherows / & lykerous of tunge.
F.5.922KD.6.267& after manye meetys / his Mawe ys / a-lustyd.
F.5.923KD.6.268¶ & ȝif þou dyete þe þus / y dar leyȝe myn erys.
F.5.924KD.6.269Þat Fysyk shal his furryd hood / ȝee[for his] fode selle.
F.5.925KD.6.270& his kloke of Calabre / with knoppis of gold þerone.
F.5.926KD.6.271& be fayn by myn feyȝþ / his fysyȝk to leetyn.
F.5.927KD.6.272& leerne to laboure on þe lond / for lyf-loode ys sweete.
F.5.928KD.6.273Now are mo moraynerys
F.5.928: moraynerys is a nonce word, apparently meaning "killers, murderers," formed from the noun murrein. R's morareres suggests that the reading was in alpha, though the R scribe failed to make sense of it. Most beta witnesses have "murþereris
are manye." þa
n lechis / our
e lord he
m ame
F.5.929KD.6.274þey doon men dyȝe / þoru here drynkys / er destenyȝe it wolde.
F.5.935KD.6.280¶ Peter / y have no peny quod Pers / peyȝnemens þe to begge.
F.5.936KD.6.281Ne neyþir gryȝs ne gees / but y have two grene chesis.
F.5.937KD.6.282& a fewe cruddis & creem / & þerto an haver kake.
F.5.938KD.6.283& two lovis of beene breed / y bok
F.5.938: Bx has the past participle form ybake. yt for my barnys.
F.5.939KD.6.284& ȝit y swere by my sowle / y have no salt bakoun.
F.5.940KD.6.285Ne be crist no kokeney / kolopys the to make.
F.5.941KD.6.286¶ But y have
Persyȝle &
porrettis / & fele p
eF.5.941: F's propre before herbys is unique. R's erroneous queynte herbes may represent alpha, and F has revised to correct the alliteration. Beta witnesses also fail in alliteration, reading cole plauntys. herbys.
F.5.942KD.6.287& eek a kow & a Calf / & eek a Carte mare.
F.5.943KD.6.288To drawe dunk on felde / whyle þe drowht lasteþ.
F.5.944KD.6.289& by þis lyfloode y muste lyve / tyl lammesse tyme.
F.5.945KD.6.290For y hope by þat to have / hervest in my crofte.
F.5.946KD.6.291& þanne may y dyghte þy dyghner / as þe deere lykeþ.
F.5.947KD.6.292¶ & alle þe pore peple þo / pese-koddis feccheden.
F.5.948KD.6.293& beenys / & bake applis / þey browhte in here lappis.
F.5.949KD.6.294Chybollis / & chirne mylk / & rype chiryes manye.
F.5.950KD.6.295& proferedyn Pers þat present / to plese with hungir.
F.5.951KD.6.296& alle þo / hungir eet in haste / & askede after moore.
F.5.952KD.6.297Þanne pore folk for feer / feddyn hungir faste.
F.5.953KD.6.298With grene porettis & pesis / to poysoyne hym þey þowhten.
F.5.962KD.6.307¶ & laboreris þat have no lond / but lyven with here hondis
F.5.963KD.6.308Þey endeyȝhne
F.5.963: This word, unique to F, is not elsewhere attested in the sense "disdain," but cf. MED s.v. endeinous "disdainful, haughty." to
F.5.963: Alpha omits noȝt before to dyghne. dyghne / or suppe olde wortes.
F.5.964KD.6.309Ne no peny ale hem peyȝe / ne no pece of bakoun.
F.5.965KD.6.310-311But it be hoot flesh & fr
eshȝ / for flasshy
ng of her
e mawe.
F.5.965: Alpha omitted a b-verse and an a-verse, creating one line of Bx's two. Bx reads as follows:
But if it be fressh flessh ouþer fissh fryed ouþer ybake
And þat chaud and plus chaud for chillynge of hir mawe.
R preserved chillyng, but F characteristically regularizes the alliteration by substituting flasshyng.
F.5.966KD.6.312& but he be hyȝly hyȝryd / ellis wille he chyde.
F.5.967KD.6.313& þat he cam / swich werk to wirke / he wille weyȝle þe tyme.
F.5.968KD.6.314A-geyn Catonys conseyl / comseþ he to Iangle.
F.5.969KD.6.315Paupertatis onus / pacienter ferre mementoF.5.969: A contemporary hand wrote nota in the right margin. For the bracket beneath it, cf. fol. 1v.
F.5.970KD.6.316¶ He grevyþ grevously god / for he grucchyþ a-geyn resoun.
F.5.971KD.6.317& þus he curseþ þe kyng / & alle hise conseyl after.
F.5.972KD.6.318Swiche Lawis to looke / Laboreris to greve.
F.5.973KD.6.319But whilis hunger was here maystir / þanne wolde none chide.
F.5.974KD.6.320Ne stryve a-geyn þe stateut / so sternely hungir lokede.
F.5.975KD.6.321F.5.975: A contemporary hand wrote nota in the left margin. ¶ But y warne ȝow wirkme
n / wynneþ whil ȝee mowe.
F.5.976KD.6.322For hu
nger hyȝeþ hidirward / & hasteþ hy
m ful
F.5.976: Alpha is responsible for ful. faste.
F.5.976: Two later annotators wrote nota nota in the right margin.
F.5.977KD.6.323& he wille a-wake sumwhat / wastoures dede.
F.5.978KD.6.324Er fyve ȝeer / be ful-fyld / swych famyȝn shal a-ryse.
F.5.979KD.6.325Þorhȝ fowle wederys & floodis / þat frutys shulle fayle.
nne shal
urne sende to ȝow / swich warny
eF.5.980: Kane and Donaldson transcribed this as warnyngger, but the suspension following a syllable-terminal <g> is identical for <-e> and <-er>. s
F.5.981KD.6.327Whan þe sunne ȝee seen a-mys / with two Munkys heedis.
F.5.982KD.6.328& a Mayde þorghȝ maystriȝe / be multyplyed on heyȝghte.
F.5.983KD.6.329Þan shal deeþ drawe to deyȝs / & derthe be Iustise.
F.5.984KD.6.330& þanne dawe þe dykere / dyȝe for hungir.
F.5.985KD.6.331But god of his goodnesse / grawnte vs a trewe.
F.5.986KD.7.1¶ Þanne Trewþe herde telle er-of / & to Pers he sente.
F.5.987KD.7.2& bad hym take his teeme / & goo tylyȝe þe grownde.
F.5.988KD.7.3& purchased hym a pardoun / A pena & a culpa.
F.5.989KD.7.4For hym & for hise eyȝrys / for euere-more after.
F.5.990KD.7.5& bad hym to holde hym at hom / & heryȝe hise leyȝes.
F.5.991KD.7.6& alle þat hulpe hym to heryȝe / or to settyn or sowe.
F.5.992KD.7.7Er ony oþir myster / þat myghte Pers a-vayle.
F.5.993KD.7.8He haþ pardoun with Pers / Trewþe haþ it grawntid.
F.5.994KD.7.9¶ Boþe kyngis & knyghtis / þat kepyn holy chirche.
F.5.995KD.7.10Þat ryghtfully in þe rewhme / weel rewle þe peple.
F.5.996KD.7.11Have pardoun / þorhȝ purgatorie / to passe þorhȝ lyghtly
F.5.997KD.7.12& with Patriarkis in paradyȝs / to ben here felowis.
F.5.998KD.7.13& blessede Bisshopis / þat been as þey sholde.
F.5.999KD.7.14& legistris of boþe
Lawis / þer
h / þe lewide to p
F.5.999: F omits the following line from Bx: "And in as muche as þei mowe amenden alle synfulle."
F.5.1000KD.7.16Þey are perys with a-postlys / þus pardoun Pers graunteþ.
F.5.1001KD.7.17& at þe day of dome / on heyȝe deyȝs to sytte.
F.5.1007KD.7.23¶ But trewþe vndir his secrete seel / he sente hem a lettre.
F.5.1008KD.7.24Þat þey sholde byggyn boldely / þat hem beest lykeþ.
F.5.1009KD.7.25& sytthe to selly
n it a
n / & savy
n þe wy
F.5.1009: Alpha is responsible for the plural form.
F.5.1010KD.7.26& a-mende meselis þerwith / & myssese folk also.
F.5.1011KD.7.27& also wykkede weyȝes / whyȝhtly hem a-mende.
F.5.1012KD.7.28& do boote to bryggis / þat broke a-bowte were.
F.5.1013KD.7.29& also marie Maydenis / or helpe hem make nunnys.
F.5.1014KD.7.30-31& þe Poore / & prisonerys / fyȝnden hem here foode.
F.5.1015KD.7.32& setty
n skoleris to skole / or ell
is to
F.5.1015: Alpha is responsible for the omission of Bx's som. oþ
ire craftys.
F.5.1016KD.7.33Or to rewlyn religioun / or to rentyn hem þe betre.
F.5.1017KD.7.34/ [¶] & y shal sende seyde trewþe / seynt Myhel þe angyl.
F.5.1018KD.7.35Þat no devil shal ȝow dere / ne feere ȝow in ȝoure dyȝeng.
F.5.1019KD.7.36& whysshe ȝow fram wanhope / if ȝee wille þus wirche.
F.5.1020KD.7.37& sende ȝoure sowlys in safte / a-mong seyntis in Ioyȝe.
F.5.1030KD.7.45/ [¶] But many a Iustise & Iurrour / wolde for Iakke do more.
F.5.1031KD.7.46Than pro dei pietate / beleve þou non othir.
F.5.1032KD.7.47But he þat spendiþ his speche / & spekeþ for þe poore.
F.5.1033KD.7.48Þat ys Innocent & needy / & no man can a-peyȝre.
F.5.1034KD.7.49&F.5.1034: Alpha is responsible for the addition of &. co
nforteþ hy
m in ony caas / w
n coueytouse ȝiftis.
F.5.1035KD.7.50& sheweth lawhe for oure lordis love / as he haþ it leerned.
F.5.1036KD.7.51Shal no deuyl at his deþ-day / dere hym worþ a myte.
F.5.1037KD.7.52Þat he worþ[ne] worþ saf & his sowle / þe sawhter beryþ wittnesse
F.5.1038KD.7.52α Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo &c. ut . supra.F.5.1038: F alone adds ut supra.
F.5.1039KD.7.53But no man sholde bygge watur / ne wyȝnd / ne fyȝr ne wit neyþir.
F.5.1040KD.7.54For þese fowre þe fadir of hevene / formede hem comoun on erthe.
F.5.1041KD.7.55For þo ben Trewþis tresoreris / trewe folk to helpyn.
F.5.1042KD.7.56Þat neuere shulle wexe / ne wanyȝe / with-outyn god hym-selue.
F.5.1043KD.7.57Whan men drawe to þe deþ / & indulgensis dysire.
F.5.1044KD.7.58Here pardoun ys ful petyȝt / at here departynge henne.
F.5.1045KD.7.59For ony meede of mene men / þat for here motynge toke.
F.5.1046KD.7.60Þe legistris & lawyeris / holde it a gret trewþe.
F.5.1047KD.7.60.1& yf þ
at y lyȝe now /
Matthew is to blame.
F.5.1047: F omits the following unmetrical and probably spurious line from Bx: "For he bad me make yow þis and þis prouerbe me tolde."
F.5.1048KD.7.60α Qvodcumque uultis ut faciant uobis homines facite eis.
F.5.1053KD.7.65¶ But beggeris / ne bidderis / ben not in þe bulle.
F.5.1054KD.7.66But if þe suggestiou
n be soþ / þ
shapman hemshap[eþ] hem [to] bigge.
F.5.1054: An otiose curl is written over the first <g>.
F.5.1055KD.7.67For he þat beggiþ / or bit / but if he have neede.
F.5.1056KD.7.68He is fals as þe fend / & defrawhdiþ þe nedy.
F.5.1057KD.7.69& by-gyliþ þe gyvere / a-geyn his goode wille.
F.5.1058KD.7.70For if he wiste . he were not nedy / he wolde gyve it anoþir.
F.5.1059KD.7.71Þat wer
e mor
e nedyer
eF.5.1059: Alpha and M have nedyere in place of beta's nedy. þan he / & so þe nedyer
e helpe.
n kenneþ men so / & þe
erF.5.1060: F is responsible for erroneous Mayster in place of clerc. Equally erroneous þe before Stories is from alpha, though the reading is shared by LM and may well be archetypal. of þe
Stories .
F.5.1061KD.7.73Cui des videto.F.5.1061: F omits the b-verse from Bx: "is Catons techyng."
F.5.1062KD.7.74 / [¶] Þe Mayster of stories techiþ the / how þou shalt be-take þy almesse.
F.5.1063KD.7.75Sit elemosina in manu tua . donec studes cui des.
F.5.1064KD.7.75.1God seyþ hy
m in his gospel /
nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra.F.5.1064: This line appears only in F.
F.5.1065KD.7.76But Gregorie þat goode man / he bad vs gyvyn alle.
F.5.1066KD.7.77Þat asken for oure lordis love / þat leeneþ vs alle þynge.
F.5.1067KD.7.77α Non eligas cui cuicui miserearis . ne forte preteras illumF.5.1067: F alone omits the phrase "qui meretur accipere" after illum.
F.5.1068KD.7.77β Qvia incertum est pro quo deum magis placeas.
F.5.1069KD.7.78If ȝee wete not who is worthy / but god whot who haþ nede.
F.5.1070KD.7.79For in þe takere ys
F.5.1070: Alpha lacks beta's þe before treccherye. treccherye / if ony tresou
n walkeþ.
F.5.1071KD.7.80For þe ma
n þ
at ȝifte ȝeviþ / he ȝarkiþ his sowle reste.
F.5.1071: F extensively revises the line. Beta reads "For he þat yeueþ yeldeþ and yarkeþ hym to reste." Alpha has the noun ȝifte in place of beta's yeueþ.
F.5.1072KD.7.81& þe takere borweth yt / & bryngiþ his sowle in dette.
F.5.1073: Alpha has For-þy in place of beta's For. begger
es borwe eu
ere / & her
e borwhȝ is god al
F.5.1074KD.7.83To ȝelden hem . þ
at ȝeviþ hem / for her
e goode will
F.5.1074: F's b-verse is unique. Bx reads "and yet vsure moore."
F.5.1075KD.7.83α Qvare non dedisti pecuniam meam ad mensam . vt ueniens cum vsuris & exegissem vtique illam.
F.5.1076KD.7.84For-þy beggiþ nowht as beggeres / but ȝe have neede.
F.5.1077KD.7.85For who þat haþ with / to bygge hym bred / þe book beriþ witnesse.
F.5.1078KD.7.86He haþ y-nowh þat haþ but bred / þeyhȝ he haþ not ellis.
F.5.1079KD.7.86α Satis diues est . qui pane non indiget.
F.5.1080KD.7.87Lete vsage by ȝoure solace / of seyntys lyvis redyngge.
F.5.1081KD.7.88Þe sawhter blameþ beggeris / & byddis on þis manere.
F.5.1082KD.7.89Ivnior fui / & etenim senui & nonnon [vidi] iustum derelictum
nec semen eius querens panem.
F.5.1083KD.7.90For beggeres lyve in no love / ne no lawe holde.
F.5.1084KD.7.91Many man weddiþ nowht / þat womman / þat he wyth delyþ.
F.5.1085KD.7.92But as a wyȝlde beeste with we . he he worthiþ vp & werchiþ.
F.5.1086KD.7.93& of hem come barnes / þat bastardis men callyn.
F.5.1087KD.7.94& here baak / or su
m boon / þey breke in her
e birthe.
F.5.1087: Bx probably read "Or þe bak or som boon þei breke in hire (or his?) youþe." Beta manuscripts have ambiguous he for alpha's þei, though it is clear that beta scribes took it to be singular.
F.5.1088KD.7.95& so goo þey fayȝten with here fawntys / ful longe after.
F.5.1089KD.7.96For þere is moo mys-shape peple / a-mongis a fewe beggeres.
F.5.1090KD.7.97Þan of alle manere of men / þat on þe moolde wandreþ.
F.5.1091KD.7.98For þo þat leede þus here lyf / euere-mowe þey loþe þe tyme.
F.5.1092KD.7.99Þat euere was he man wroght / whan he shal hens fare.
F.5.1101KD.7.109¶ & sone peers at his prayere / his pardoun vn-foldede.
F.5.1102KD.7.110& y stood / by-hyȝnde hem boþe / & be-hild al ouer þe bulle.
F.5.1103KD.7.111& al in two lyȝnes þe strengþe lay / & nout a leef moore.
F.5.1104KD.7.112& was y-wryte ryght þus / witnesse of trewþe.
F.5.1105KD.7.113Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam.
F.5.1106KD.7.114Qvi vero mala in ignem eternum.
F.5.1107KD.7.115¶ Peeter . quod þe Preest þo / y can no pardoun fyȝnde.
F.5.1108KD.7.116But dowel . & hauewel / & god shal have þyn sowle.
F.5.1109KD.7.117& doevel / & haue evel / & hope þou after a-nothir.
F.5.1110KD.7.118Þat after þy deþ-day / þe devil shal have þy sowhle.
F.5.1118KD.7.126¶ I fyȝnde þe prophete payn eet / in Penance & in sorwe.
F.5.1119KD.7.127& after þat þe sawhter seyþ / so diden oþere manye.
F.5.1120KD.7.128He þat loveþ god leelly / his lyfloode is ful redy.
F.5.1121KD.7.128αFuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
F.5.1122KD.7.129/ [¶] & but if sey
Luk lyȝeþ / or lerneþ vs be foolys.
F.5.1122: Most of the b-verse is owed to alpha. Beta's b-verse reads "he lereþ vs by foweles." A manuscripts have both folis and foules.
F.5.1123KD.7.130We sholde not ben to bysy / a-bowhtyn worldis blysse.
F.5.1124KD.7.131He seyþ þus in his gospel / Ne solliciti scitis.
F.5.1125KD.7.132& be swiche ensamplis he sheweth vs / oure-seluyn to wissen.
F.5.1126KD.7.133Þe fowlis in þe fylde / who fyndes hem mete in wyntyr.
F.5.1127KD.7.135Þey have no gerner to go to / but god fynt hem alle.
F.5.1137KD.7.144¶ & þus þe Preest & Pers / ech a-posede oþir.
F.5.1138KD.7.145& þorghȝ here woordis y a-wook / & waytede al abowhte.
F.5.1139KD.7.146& y seyȝ þe sunne in þe sowþ / where it sat þat tyme.
F.5.1140KD.7.147I was
Moneles &
Meteles / my
Mawe gan groone.
F.5.1140: F alone suppresses the reference to the Malvern Hills. The b-verse in Bx reads "on Maluerne hulles."
F.5.1141KD.7.148But ȝit y mewsede on þis Metelis / as y my way wente.
F.5.1142KD.7.149& many a tyme meteles / It haþ maad me studyȝe.
F.5.1143KD.7.150Of þat y seyȝ slepynge / if it soþ / be myghte.
F.5.1144KD.7.151& also for Pers Plowhman / ful pensyf in herte.
F.5.1145KD.7.152& what Pardoun Pers hadde / þe peple to conforte.
F.5.1146KD.7.153& how þe Preest Impugned it / with tweye propre woordis.
F.5.1147KD.7.154But y have no savour in So
mpnuarye / to sey
n nout þ
F.5.1147: F's b-verse is unique. Bx reads "for I se it ofte faille."
n co
CatonistrisCa[n]onistris / comou
nly it faylyþ.
F.5.1148: A small <+> appears in the right margin to mark the error.F.5.1148: F's reading is unique. Bx reads "Caton and Canonistres counseillen vs to leue."
F.5.1149KD.7.156To settyn no soþnesse / in no
F.5.1149: F revises and shortens this line. Bx reads as follows: "To sette sadnesse in Songewarie for sompnia ne cures."
F.5.1150KD.7.157¶ But for boldely þe byble book / beriþ bettre witnesse.
F.5.1151KD.7.158How Danyel dyvynede / of a kyngys dremes.
F.5.1152KD.7.159He was Nabugodonosor / y-nempned of clerkys.
F.5.1153KD.7.160Sire kyng seyde Danyel / þy dremes by-tokneþ.
F.5.1154KD.7.161Þat vnkouþe knyghtis shull
e come
F.5.1154: An otiose curl appears above the <m>. / þy
n corou
n þe reve.
F.5.1154: Alpha has reve in place of beta's cleyme or cleue. The other manuscripts have "kyngdom to" in place of F's "coroun þe."
F.5.1155KD.7.162& a-mong lowere lordis / þy lond shal be departid.
F.5.1163KD.7.170¶ It fel as his fadir seyde / in pharao-is tyme.
F.5.1164KD.7.171Þat Ioseph was Iustyse / of Egypt to looke.
F.5.1165KD.7.172& as his fadir tolde / hise fawntys sowtyn þere.
F.5.1166KD.7.173& al this matere makiþ me / on my metelis þynke.
F.5.1167KD.7.174¶ & how þe Preest prevede / no Pardoun to Dowel.
F.5.1168KD.7.175& demede þat Dowel / alle Indulgenses passede.
F.5.1169KD.7.176Or quinquenalis / or tryennales / or þe Bisshopis lettris.
F.5.1170KD.7.177& how Dowel at þe day of dome / is deyntely take.
F.5.1171KD.7.178& passeþ al þe pardoun / of seynt Petris chirche.
F.5.1172KD.7.179¶ Þe Pope haþ gret powher / pardoun to grawnte.
F.5.1173KD.7.180A sowle with-outyn penaunce / to passyn in-to hevene.
F.5.1174KD.7.181Þis ys our
e be
-leve / þe gospel leyþ þe same.
F.5.1174: F rewrote the b-verse which in Bx reads "as lettred men vs techeþ." He left a blank line for the Latin text, but failed to write it. Bx reads "Quodcumque ligaueris super terram erit ligatum & in celis, &c."
F.5.1175KD.7.182& y be-leve leelly / oure lord for-bede ellys.
F.5.1176KD.7.183Þat Pardoun / & prayeris / & Penaunce saven sowlys.
F.5.1177KD.7.184Þat þe bodijs have sy
nnyd / sevene syþis dedly.
F.5.1177: F has revised this line. Bx reads "Soules þat haue synned seuen siþes dedly."
F.5.1178KD.7.185But to tristne on tryanales / truly me þynkiþ.
F.5.1179KD.7.186It ys nowht so sykir to þe sowle / soþly as is Dowel.
F.5.1180KD.7.187/ [¶] Þerefore y rede ȝow / alle / þat ryche men been heere.
F.5.1181KD.7.188Vpon trist on ȝowre tresor / tryenalis to purchase.
F.5.1182KD.7.189Be ȝee neuere þe boldere / to breke þe ten hestys.
F.5.1183KD.7.190& namely ȝee Maystris / boþe Meyȝhres & althermen.
F.5.1184KD.7.191Þat have þe welthe of þis world / & wyse men ben holde.
F.5.1185KD.7.192To purchase ȝow pardoun / with þe popis bullis.
F.5.1186KD.7.193F.5.1186: The faint black <x> in the left margin apparently does not correlate with an error in the text. For at þe dred
-ful dome / whan dede me
n shull
e ryse.
F.5.1187KD.7.194& come
n all
e by
crist / & ȝour
e a
-cowntys ȝeelde.
F.5.1187: Alpha is responsible for & at the beginning of the b-verse and the omission of to before ȝeelde, and F uniquely has ȝoure. Bx reads "acountes to yelde."
F.5.1188KD.7.195& how ȝee ladden ȝoure lyf / & ȝoure lawis kepyn.
F.5.1189KD.7.196& how ȝee
F.5.1189: FHm alone have plural ȝee instead of þow. don
F.5.1189: Alpha is responsible for the present tense. Beta manuscripts have didest. day be day / þe dome will
e reerce.
F.5.1190KD.7.197A Poke-ful of pardoun / þere / ne provyncialis lettrys.
F.5.1191KD.7.198Be not fownde in no fraternite / of þe foure ordrys.
F.5.1192KD.7.199Ne Indulgencis doblefold / but
Dowel ȝow helpe.
F.5.1192: F omits the following line from Bx: "I sette youre patentes and youre pardon at one pies hele."
F.5.1193KD.7.201¶ Þerfore y conseyle alle cristene / to criȝe crist mercy.
F.5.1194KD.7.202& Marie his Moodir be oure mene at neede.
F.5.1195KD.7.203Þat he gyve vs grace / er þat we goon henne.
F.5.1196KD.7.204Swiche wirkis to wirche / þe
F.5.1196: Alpha, agreeing with many C manuscripts, supplies þe, providing another instance in which beta manuscripts agree with A and alpha with C. whyle we ben here.
F.5.1197KD.7.205Þat after oure deþ-day / Dowel it reerse.
F.5.1198KD.7.206At þe day of dome we dide þat we hym hyȝhte.