L.13.128KD.13.121 Þere þe lorde of lyf wonyeth · to leren hymL.13.128: LMR have hym; Other B witnesses either have hem or omit the word altogether. what is dowel
Cr1.13.128KD.13.121 Ther the lord of lyfe wonneth to learne what is dowel
C.13.129KD.13.121 Ther the lord of lif woneth · to lerne hem what is dowel
R.13.125KD.13.121 Þere þe lorde of lif woneth to leren
R shares the spelling hym exclusively with beta copies LM; HmCGYBF read
hem and WCrO simply omit any pronoun. The RLM form is likely that of Bx but as such may be merely a Northern relict: hym =
standard hem. However, Schmidt assumes that the sons of Clergy in this
puzzling allegory are the teachers (rather than the pupils) of the Lord of Life; if so, then
hym would be a singular, a substantive lection preserved solely in these
three witnesses. what is dowel .