M.13.203KD.13.202Clergye ..ofM.13.203:M's altered reading of agrees with WCrG. The original reading was probably to, agreeing with HmYOC2CBL. R has and and F has ne. conscience . no congye wolde take
Cr1.13.204KD.13.202 Cleargy of Consience , no congye would take
C.13.205KD.13.202 ¶ Clergie to conscience · no congie wolde take
R.13.210KD.13.202 ¶ Clergie andR.13.210: R's and and F's ne attest to an alpha
failure to grasp the meaning of the passage; cf. beta's to (the reading of
LHmOCYB) and the easier reading adopted by CrWG (= of). M was altered at
some point to the latter reading but almost certainly agreed originally with L.
consience no congeye wolde take .