M.13.402KD.13.412Doth non almes....dedesM.14.402:M's altered reading almesdedes agrees only with Cr. Most B manuscripts read almesdede. . dred hym of no synne .
Cr1.13.404KD.13.412 Doth no almesdedes , dreade hym of no synne
W.13.404KD.13.412 Dooþ noon almesseW.13.404: W alone reads almesse; other manuscripts have almesdede. . dred hym of no synne
C.13.403KD.13.412 doos noon almesdede · drede hym uof na synne
G.14.405KD.13.412 doyth / non almese dede dedeG.14.405: Deletion and subsequent addition of dede suggest that the scribe thought that he should have written drede and then realised he had been right in the first place. drede hym off no synne