Cr1.13.63KD.13.60 And made him merye with hys meat , & I mourned euer
C.13.64KD.13.60 And made hym murthe with his meet · and I mournede euere
G.14.64KD.13.60 & made hym myrthe wyth hys meyte but I monedG.14.64: Kane and Donaldson interpret G's reading as moued rather than moned, but compare G's reading mowne at G.14.194. euer
R.13.58KD.13.60 And made hym murth with his meneR.13.58:
R's mene is unique; cf. F's mowht and beta's mete. Cx agrees with beta. ac I murned
euere .
F.10.57KD.13.60& maade merthe with his mowhtF.10.57: F's reading is unique, perhaps in response to corruption in alpha. R has mene. Beta and C read mete. / but y moornede euere.