Cr1.17.151KD.17.152 The father is than as a fiste , with finger to tonchto[u]ch
W.17.151KD.17.152 ¶ The fader is pawmeW.17.151: W alone reads pawme; most other B manuscripts have þanne, omitted by F. as a fust . wiþ fynger to touche
C.17.149KD.17.152 The fader is þanne a a fyst ˜ with fynger to touche
[Not found.]
R.17.130KD.17.152 Þe fader is þanne as fusteR.17.130: The other B manuscripts all read as a fust. with fynger to thoucheR.17.130: Kane-Donaldson transcribe R's thouche as chouche, but there is no warrant for this transcription—nonsensical in context,
as opposed to an idiolectal spelling of the expected word—since the R scribe on this
same page frequently executes his t with a negligible ascender indistinct
from his c. .