Cr1.17.180KD.17.179, 181 And to vnfold the folden fiste at the fingers wyll
C.17.178KD.17.179, 181 And to vnfold the folden Neue · as the fyngers wille
[Not found.]
R.17.159KD.17.179 And to vnfolde þe fust for hym it bilongeth .R.17.159:
Cx agrees exactly with R's version of this b-verse, but F renders it as
for it to hym longeþ. Beta omits this b-verse (KD17.179b) as well as the
next line (KD17.180) and a following half-line (KD17.181a), probably because of eyeskip on
F.13.264KD.17.179& to vnfelde þe fust / for it . to hym longeþ Beta omitted a b-verse, a full line, and an a-verse because of eye-skip on fust.