Cr1.17.204KD.17.204 And whoso sinneth in saint Spirite , it semeth þat he greueth
C.17.199KD.17.204 So who-so synnes in the seynt spirit · it semeth þat he greues
[Not found.]
R.17.185KD.17.204 So ho-so synneth a-ȝeynes þeR.17.185: In place of alpha's a-ȝeynes þe, beta reads in. Cx agrees with alpha. seynt spirit
it semeth þat he greuethR.17.185: The <h> of greueth is nearly lost in the binding, but is still visible in the
manuscript, though not in the digital image.
F.13.284KD.17.204So who þat synneþ a-geynF.13.284: Alpha's a-geyn agrees with the majority of C manuscripts. Beta has in. þe holyF.13.284: F uniquely reads holy. Other B manuscripts have Seint. spirit / it semeseme[þ] þat he greuyþ.