M.17.21KD.17.22He sai..th soþ saiþ þis hereaud I haue it foundeM.17.21: M shares the reading it founde with Cr. Other B manuscripts reverse the order. ofte
Cr1.17.21KD.17.22 He saith soth said this heraude , I haue it found oft
C.17.21KD.17.22 ¶ He sayes soth sayed þe heraud · I haue founded it ofte
G.18.21KD.17.22 he sayethe sothe sayde þe harauvde I haue fouvnden ytt ofte
O.17.21KD.17.22He seiþ soþ seiþO.17.21: OC2M alone have the present-tense form. þe heraud I haue founden it ofte
R.17.21KD.17.22 ¶ He seith soth seyde þis heraud I haue I-founde it ofte .