M.17.247KD.17.248Ac hewe fyr at þeM.17.247: M's reading þe agrees with Cr. All other B manuscripts read a, except R, which omits the word. flynt . foure hundred wyntur
Cr1.17.247KD.17.248 And hewe fire at the flynt four hundred wynter
C.17.242KD.17.248 ¶ And hewe fire at a flynt · forure hundreth wynter
[Not found.]
R.17.201KD.17.248 ¶ Ac hewe fuyr andR.17.201: For R's and, F reads on a and beta has
at a. The P family of C manuscripts reads of a at this point, but the X family agrees with beta.
flint foure hundreth wynter .