L.18.112KD.18.109 Whan cryst cam · her kyngdom · þe croune shuldeshulde [cesse]L.18.112: Most beta witnesses read cesse after shulde, whereas alpha manuscripts have lese. The corrector's marginal <+> indicates he noticed the omission.
M.18.112KD.18.109Whanne crist come ofM.18.112: M's addition of of, inserted subsequent to the erasure of the <e> of come, puts it into agreement with WHmCr1. hire kyngedome . þe croune shulde cesse
Cr1.18.112KD.18.109 Whan Christ come of her kingdom þe croun shuld sease
C.18.112KD.18.109 Whan crist cam hir kyngdome · and crowne shuld iesse
R.18.112KD.18.109 Whan crist cam þe kyngdomR.18.112: R's þe kyngdom is unique; F shows to his
kyngdom while beta reads her kyngdom (though the CrWHm subset
attests of hir kyngdom). þe crounne schulde
lese .
F.14.112KD.18.109Whan crist cam to his kyngdom / his crowne he shuld lese.F.14.112: Bx reads "Whan crist cam hir kyngdom þe crowne sholde lese (or cesse)." F alone takes Daniel's prophecy of the lost crown to apply to Christ rather than the Jews.