Cr1.18.11KD.18.11 Barefote on an asse backe , boteles came prickynge
C.18.11KD.18.11 Barfoot and oon an asse bake · boteles gan prike
R.18.11KD.18.11 Barefoet on an asse bake boteles cam
prikyngeR.18.11: Only Cr agrees with R's form. Cf. beta's pryke. F reads springe, a variant that makes little sense.
Presumably, in a copy between alpha and F someone had substituted the synonymous spurringe for alpha's prikynge, a mistake
magnified by F's misreading. The reading of Cx here is uncertain, but a
majority of the X family copies agree with R. .
F.14.11KD.18.11Barefoot on an asses bak / al bootewlesF.14.11: Bootewles, "without boots." All other B manuscripts read synonymous bootles. The boteau is a kind of low boot. cam springesp[ur]ringe.F.14.11: F's springe makes little sense in context. Bx reads prikye, and some scribe in the tradition between alpha and this manuscript had written the synonymous spurring, here reduced to springe.