L.18.175KD.18.171 Þat ouer-houeth helle þus · she[he]L.18.175: The "correction" — if indeed this is what has occurred, since only crowding suggests that the <s> is added as an
afterthought — is itself quite possibly an error. Alpha supplies the correctly alliterating pronoun he, indicating the accuracy of the scribe's exemplar. Stress and alliteration on vs would be unmetrical. vs shal telle
Cr1.18.175KD.18.171 What ouerhoueth hell thus , she vs shall tell ,
C.18.175KD.18.171 That ouer houeth helle thus · she vs schal telle
R.18.175KD.18.171 Þat ouerhoueth helle þus heR.18.175:
He, "she."R.18.175: Where alpha and L read he (altered to
she in L), the other beta copies read she. Cx agrees with alpha and L's original reading. vs schal telle .
F.14.175KD.18.171Þat ouer-hoveþ helle þus / heF.14.175: Alpha's he in this line and in 14.178-80 is consonant with Langland's dialect. Beta witnesses read she. shal vs alle telle.