Cr1.18.178KD.18.174 And prayed peace to tell her to what place she wold ,
C.18.178KD.18.174 And prayed pees to telle hir to what place she wolde
G.19.178KD.18.174 and preyed peasse to tell hyr / to p what place sheG.19.178: R and F share G's original reading he. G's corrected reading she corresponds to that of the remaining B manuscripts. For G's treatment of the feminine pronoun, see Introduction III.1.3. wolde
R.18.178KD.18.174 And preied pes to tel hire to what place
heR.18.178: R's he is an alpha variant; beta has she, and Cx agrees with beta. wolde .
F.14.178KD.18.174& prayede Pees to telle hire / to what placeF.14.178: An otiose curl appears over <p>. he wolde.