M.18.224KD.18.219Sette hym in solace and in soueraigne murtheM.18.224: An extra minim has been deleted from the <m> of murthe.
Cr1.18.224KD.18.219 Set him in solace and in souereyne myrth
C.18.224KD.18.219 Sette hym in solace · and in sou(er)eigne myrthe
O.18.224KD.18.219 Sette hym o?InO.18.224: The <I> of In is written over another partially formed character, apparently an <o>. solace & in souereyn myrþe
R.18.222KD.18.219 Sette hym in solace and in souereyne ioye .R.18.222: Beta has myrthe in place of alpha's ioye. Cx agrees with beta.