M.18.304KD.18.298Wher he were god or godes sone . he ....yafM.18.304: The alteration to yaf brings M into line with WOC2BF; other B manuscripts have alliterating gaf. me short answere
Cr1.18.304KD.18.298 Wher he wer god or gods sonne , he gaue me short answer
C.18.304KD.18.298 Where he were god or goodes sone · he gaf me schort answer
R.18.299KD.18.298 Where he were god or godes sone he gaf me schorte
answere . In the right margin opposite these lines, there is a
partially erased and illegible (under ultraviolet light) note in a near-contemporary hand. It
is ten lines long: 4 lines + a signature line and then the same pattern repeated with the
same signature, which might be Robert Smith or Robin