Cr1.18.321KD.18.315α Nunc princeps huius mundi eiicietur foras ,
C.18.321KD.18.315α Nu(n)c princeps hui(us) mu(n)di eicietur foras
O.18.322KD.18.315αNunc princeps huius mundi eicietur forasO.18.322: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after mundi, so that it appears as two lines.
Nunc princeps mundi huiusR.18.317: R here shows a unique transposition of the Bx
phrasing, huius mundi. Cx agrees with
B majority on the order of this phrase. eicitur foras
.R.18.317: In the left margin, beginning at this point, the leaf was torn
on an inward and downward diagonal for a space of some 5.5 cm.; it was long ago repaired by
stitching. No text is affected.