Readings for line KD.18.320

That cryst may come in · þe kynges sone of heuene
Þat crist may come inyneM.18.328: Original inne has been altered to yn by erasure of the first and last letters and the alteration of <n> to <y>. / þe kyngessonkynges sone of heuenenM.18.328-330: These lines were omitted through eye-skip on yates. M18.328 is written in the blank line separating paragraphs. The next two were written at the bottom of the page. The correct placement of the lines is indicated with red carets. All three are in a different ink but in the main hand and were later altered in the usual fashion. No other B manuscripts share this omission.
That Christ may come in , the kings sonne of heauen
That crist may come In . þe kynges sone of heuene
that cryst may come yn · þe kynges sone of heuene
Attollite portas principes vestras · & eleuamini porte
eternales et introibit rex glorie · & cetera
Hm.18.329: The verse from Psalms 23.7,9 appears only in Hm. Kane and Donaldson, 221, 224, reject the line as inauthentic.
That crist may come Inne · the kynges sone of heuene
þat cryste may come ynne / þe kynges sonne off heyuven
Þat crist may come in  þe kyngys sone of heuene
Þat crist may come in  kyngesR.18.322: Here R shows a unique omission; the other B witnesses have þe kynges sone. Cx agrees with the B majority. sone of heuene .
Þat crist may come In / þe kyngis sone of hevene.