Cr1.18.34KD.18.33 To walke & fetch from the fend , Pierce fruit þe plowman
Hm.18.34KD.18.33 to walke andoeHm.18.34: The alteration, possibly by hand3, is distinctly odd. The spelling ande appears nowhere else in the manuscript. to fecche fro the fend · peris fruyt þe ploughman
C.18.34KD.18.33 To walke and fecche fro þe fend Piers fruyt þe plowman
R.18.34KD.18.33 To walke and fecche fro þe fende peres fruit þe plowman
F.14.34KD.18.33He shal feccyn fram þe feend / Peersis frut plowhman[þe] plowhman.