Cr1.18.37KD.18.35α O Mors ero mors tua .
C.18.37KD.18.35α O mors ero mors tua & c(etera)
O.18.37KD.18.35αO mors ero mors tua & ceteraO.18.37: This line is written in the right margin.
O mors mors tua ero . —
R.18.37: R's
phrasing here is unique; the rest of the B manuscripts read O mors ero mors tua; however, the majority of the X family of C reads the line as R does.
F.14.37KD.18.35αO mors ero mors tua morsus tuus ero.F.14.37: F again supplements the Latin quotation, as he had at 13.210 above, adding "morsus tuus ero." Alford, Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations, notes that this antiphon is "sung during Holy Week (e.g. Brev. 1:dcclxxxii, dccci), based on Osee 13:14 (Cf. 1 Cor. 15:55)" (107).