M.18.69KD.18.67Er sonday aboute suonne rysynge . and sank with þat til erþe .
Cr1.18.69KD.18.67 Er sonday about sunne rising , & sanke with that to thearth
C.18.69KD.18.67 Er sonday aboute sonne risyng · and sank w(i)t(h) þ(a)t til erthe
G.19.69KD.18.67 er sonday abowte sonne rysyng / and sanke wyth that toyllG.19.69: Cr C2 share G's original reading to. G's corrected reading tyll corresponds to that of most B manuscripts. yerthe
O.18.69KD.18.67Er sunday aboute þeO.18.69: OB alone have aboute þe; most B manuscripts have aboute. sunne risyng & sanke wiþ þat til erþe
R.18.69KD.18.67 Er soneday aboute sonne risynge and sanke
with þat til erthe .
F.14.69KD.18.67Er sundayF.14.69: The tilde was added by the rubricator in red ink. at þe sunne risenge / & with þat he sank in-to erþe.