Cr1.3.197KD.3.195 Wyth-oute pittie Pilor pore men thou robbedest
C.3.196KD.3.195 ¶ With-oute pite pilour · pore men þow robbedest
G.4.196KD.3.195 wyth-owt pyte pylouvr poere men thow robebdestG.4.197: Though the G scribe's use of double and single consonants is a somewhat unreliable guide to the length of the preceding
vowel, he was clearly aware of the practice of using a double consonant to indicate a preceding short vowel (see Introduction
III.2) and it seems likely that this alteration was made for this reason.
F.4.183KD.3.195¶ & with-outyn pyte þou pylour / pore men þou robbedist.F.4.183: An otiose curl appears over the <o>.